Dilemma...have less than 1200 or eat something high in calor

rafor Posts: 78 Member
The subject pretty much sums it up. My wife and I have been exceptionally busy today and I was under 1200 calories for today around 9pm. We found ourselves driving home knowing that we would be under 1200 calories by at least 200 calories and we knew we would be going to bed soon. My question is, is it better to be below calories, or eat something high in calories right before going to sleep? What happened is she got two chipotle grilled chicken wraps and a small chocolate shake from McDonalds but only drank half of it. I also got a small chocolate shake but I only drank 2/3 of it before throwing it away because it was too sweet. Then I did a 4 mile run/walk. Not sure if in this situation we did the best we could have.


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey life happens sometimes...dont worry to much about it, just start fresh tomorrow....
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    If it is before bed and you are under calories, but don't feel the need to eat, then don't eat. Your body would let you know if you needed to fill the calorie space.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    Well you don't necessarily have to have McDonald's when you have a few calories left. Some fruit will do. Also you can get lots of nuts for very cheap, a couple handfuls of that will make you meet your calorie quota without having to recur to fast food :) I also like to have a small serving of cereal with almond milk and it can be less than 200cals rather healthy.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If you're hungry - eat something. If you aren't hungry - don't worry about it. One day here and there won't hurt you. It's long term large deficits that cause problems.

    For me, I HAVE to eat before I go to bed or I wake up in the middle of the night starving - which usually results in a poor food choice.
  • Michelle_H
    Michelle_H Posts: 24
    It's hard when you're on the road and all that's open is fast food outlets - no-one is going to stop off at the supermarket at that time, we all just want to get home. You don't have to eat your calories if the day didn't go as planned. It tends to work out overtime anyway. I tend to keep a couple of the Weight Watchers bars in my car and in my bag (I know you won't do the bag/purse thing, lol). They're around 150cals and that's enough to tide me over until a meal or, if it's late in the day, until I get home and then I might have a green tea just before bed and if I do go to fast food places I only ever buy a bottle of water. Rather be a little under than waaay over as the calories can be so hard to judge in most of those drinks.
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    I couldn't drink the rest of the small chocolate shake because it was making me nauseous. When we arrived home, I dumped the shake down the drain and chugged a bottle of water. I swear I could feel the heaviness of the shake and couldn't wait to work it off on the track.
  • nicbic123
    nicbic123 Posts: 75 Member
    probably not an ideal time to eat...but as you did a run/walk after it's quite possible you burnt it off!!
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    My wife was hungry and she had only eaten a PB&J earlier so she needed the calories. I however did not feel like eating but I knew I was under the daily required 1200. So I got a shake that I couldn't finish and went out and worked the calories away as soon as I could dump the rest down the drain. I think I could definitely made a worse decision...