Plateaued last week 3lbs lost this

Last week I was getting fed up about upping my exercise and my weight remaining stable. Thanks to the support I got here I persevered and increased the intensity of my walking. 7 days later I am 3 lbs lighter.

Thanks to everyone...and MFP

This website / app rocks!


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    fantastic result, well done
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    That's fantastic! Well done! I was surprised to notice that recently I am finding walking and jogging easier. I now burn less calories and have to try harder. It's not something you expect , but I suppose it is a good thing as it means you are getting fitter!
  • paced2day
    paced2day Posts: 55
    Weight, so tell me what did the trick. I always gain weight when I jump back into intense working out... would you mind letting me know?
  • fionamacf
    fionamacf Posts: 39
    Just walked a bit harder. As Givemewings said it was getting easier so I need to push myself harder. Average speed was settling about 3.3 mph now I am aiming for 3.5 minimum and making it 4 if it is a short walk. Making sure I am eating my exercise calories - 600 extra one day this week when I walked over 6 miles in just under 2 hours - and ensuring my diet doesn't exclude everything that is an indulgence..
  • fionamacf
    fionamacf Posts: 39
    My weight had plateaued for two weeks when I had upped the amount of exercise - just needed to increase intensity and make sure the calories counted were realistic.
  • LeahManc
    LeahManc Posts: 4
    The same thing happened to me! Plateau for a couple of weeks, then I discovered MFP and lost 3! Love this site! xxx