
Hi ive been dieting for 5 weeks and for the last 4 weeks been doing Insanity training, it's made a huge difference to my body shape but has slowed the weight lose, I assume due to muscle weight. Has anyone else tried insanity?


  • SerenityOwl
    SerenityOwl Posts: 8 Member
    I don't have a clue what Insanity Training is ... color me ignorant.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Yeah I am familiar with both insanity programs and it shouldn't necessarily be causing weight loss to stop .... but you are burning an "insane" amount of calories, so you may want to take a look at that and see if you need to up your calorie intake some. Also, i would track you inches and not just the numbers on the scale.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Also I forgot to mention that insanity's main focus is actually not so much muscle building or weight loss.. it is fiber strengthening. Although any workout involving movement is going to have these side results, but that is not the main focus of that program.
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member

    I have and experienced the exact same thing. Im not sure about you but my body changed massively after just 2 weeks and my strength increased too. I couldnt even manage 2 pressups and now im ALMOST managing to keep up with the skinny minnys on the dvd. That must mean that muscle is building and as we all know muscle weighs more than fat.

    Im not going to lie, i was so upset when i had only lost 1lb in a week of killing myself however I keep telling myself not to get too hung up with the number on the scales and besides eventually the extra muscle will help burn the fat so stick with it.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    If your never worked out before you can define your muscles and get a bit of muscle mass in the beginning but nothing radical if your on a calorie deficit.
    You are working on strengthening your current muscles!
    You will define your muscles and they will look better but you cant gain any significant muscle mass.
    Again You cant gain muscle mass on a calorie deficit!

    If you want to work on muscle mass you need to have a calories increase of like 200 (and having at least 2g * kg body weight of protein) and when your gaining muscle mass you need to stress your body with weights so your body starts thinking "i need to bulk up or ill die from this constant stress" and only then your body will start using that extra calories to build up muscles.

    If you are not dropping weight try giving 110% on your exercises. Eat carbs around your workout and control your sugars.