Zumba DVD or Wii

I am going to add Zumba to my exercise routines for a bit of variation, but not sure which would be best, Wii game of DVD.

Would love to hear of peoples experiences with either or both



  • netgirl224
    netgirl224 Posts: 64
    Both! :) I have 2 sets of the DVDs as well as the Wii game and they each other something different - so really its going to be up to you & what you like. But, the Wii game is cheaper and so if you are just wanting a taste of Zumba, that might be the best way for you to start! (the new Exhilirate DVDs are awesome for the most part tho!)
  • KathleenPub
    KathleenPub Posts: 38 Member
    I have the Wii and I love it. I havent tried the DVD though so I can't really say its better. The only thing I dont like with the Wii is theat the remote doesn't seem very accurate at tracking your movements, but in the end the workout is the same no matter what your score lol.
  • korinnen
    korinnen Posts: 2
    I would do the WII, I have done the DVD and the xbox kinect and much prefer the game over the video.

    I find the DVD's slow and too instructional, meaning you stand there and listen and do the move really slow too often. With the game i just put on class and im off, no mucking about.

    Good luck
  • I have the Wii game. My sisters have the DVD. I enjoy the wii game because it has beginners, intermediate and then another level or two. I only improved to the intermediate at 20 minutes. The wii game uses lots of Latin dances and does belly dancing at the end of each 20 minute session. I love the wii game and am looking forward to the next game Zumba 2 that comes out in November. I think it's going to be a preference for you.
  • I have both, and prefer the DVDs. The Wii "measures" you by whether or not it picks up the movements of the controller, which isn't always accurate as you wear it on a belt on your hips. I find I get more of a workout from the DVDs.