Great article - scale not moving?

RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
The scale doesn't lie - but it does tell interesting stories


Do scales lie?

Everyone's done it. You've been working out, eating well, fitting better into clothes and feel like you are on top of the world - that is, until you step on the scale, and a number pops up that seems impossible.

Do scales lie? They must, right?

There are at least 10 reasons why the scale can fluctuate, and relying on body fat and physical measurements provide a much more accurate picture of where you are with your health goals.

Check them out:

1. Clothes. A complete outfit can raise the scale by more than 6 pounds. The most accurate scale measurement is in your birthday suit.

2. You just finished running, a tennis match, etc. When you workout at high intensity, you burn glycogen calories (carbohydrate), which hold water weight. Many can expect to see a 5-pound dip on the scale after something challenging like a spin class.

3. You chugged a bottle of water 5 minutes ago. A liter of water weighs 2 pounds. If you weigh yourself immediately after drinking a bottle, the scale is sure to go up. Good news is that water has no calories, and within an hour, this weight will be lost through sweat and urination.

4. You attended Happy Hour last night. Alcohol dehydrates you and for many, can cause digestive system irritations causing you to lose 3 to 5 pounds. Bad news, it's not permanent. Once you rehydrate, that weight will show up again on the scale.

5. You had a healthful, fiber-filled lunch. Diet-friendly foods such as broth soups and veggies are loaded with both fiber and water. This will add bulk to your stomach, and for the next 12 to 24 hours, bulk to your scale by up to 3 pounds. Good news is, it's not fat.

6. You decided to go "Atkins" today. Carbs stored as glycogen in your muscles are like sponges that hold water. When you eat fewer carbs, you will hold less water at up to 5 pounds if you go low/no carb for the day. Bad news, it takes 3,500 calories deficit to lose a pound of fat, so if you lose more than a pound today, it's a sure sign of water weight, not fat.

7. You ate a high sodium meal. Consuming Chinese take-out, soups or frozen meals can leave more than just your fingers puffy. Expect to hold on to an extra 4 to 5 pounds as well. Drinking extra water after a high-sodium meal will help to flush all the excess salt and fluid out quickly.

8. You're sick. It's flu season and you caught this year's strain. Between sneezing, coughing and an upset digestive system, you will lose up to 5 pounds, nearly all because of dehydration.

9. You're constipated. Having a bowel movement at least every other day is considered normal. Strict diets, skipping meals and restricting fluids can lead to constipation which can add 2 to 6 pounds to the scale. Ease constipation by increasing fiber-rich foods, water and exercise.

10. You are on a coffee high. Caffeine is a mild diuretic, it stimulates the digestive tract to promote bowel movements, and it can suppress your appetite. Put these three together and you may look 2 pounds lighter for the day. Once that water is replaced, the scale will go right back up.

A more reliable method of "watching your weight" would be to have your body fat analyzed every six weeks, or measure your inches every month. These two methods can still be manipulated, but not as much as the scale.

For more tips on how to stay healthy this summer, go to



  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    thanks for sharing!
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you! I needed that :)
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    yeah F the scale it messes with your mind
  • Thanks!!!!!!! Good To Know!!!!!!!!
  • beth651
    beth651 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you, when the scale fluctuates for me, I always think WTH!! This answers many questions.
  • shellyb1229
    shellyb1229 Posts: 26 Member
    Just finished this article - great read too! Very interesting and helpful. Thanks for posting it for all of us to read.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks for sharing!!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    True story......thanks...we all get so wound up in the "NUMBER" that we forget all the nuances of weight....
  • kmparks24
    kmparks24 Posts: 198
    I can't tell you how happy I am to read this. I just weighed this morning and was 2lbs heavier... I have been eating well, working out, clothes feel better, etc. I was knocked down when I saw my number go up.

    Yesterday was a huge veggie and fruit day for me for some reason. Fresh peaches for breakfast, squash and fresh green beans for lunch, banana as a snack, etc etc. It's the fiber that did it from what the article says!

    Thanks for sharing this article!


    Kendall :)
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