Crying in the changing rooms

So me and my sister are going to London tomorrow and we have heaps of wonderful stuff planned including going to the theatre. My sister sprung it on me this morning that we need to get dressed up for this and I have absolutely nothing to wear (all my nice things are too small for me). So off i trapse into town to desperately find something nice to wear, i grabbed a heap of different style of clothes and tried them on one by one (which took a lot of time as my slipped discs are playing up and I can only move really slowly) and just looked hideous in everything apart from one pair of jeans. I ended up sat in the changing rooms half naked crying to myself.

Has this happened to anyone else?


  • Amymhis
    Amymhis Posts: 30 Member
    YES! I've also "shower cried" quite often!!! It's ok dear, hang in there, you are definitely in control of your body! You have friends here who want to help motivate you!

  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    YES :(

    But please don't get discouraged. Find something that fits comfortably and looks nice, even if you feel big in it - this is just temporary. You WILL lose the weight.
    When I tried on a single-digit pair of pants and they fit, I cried tears of joy. It came full circle!
  • JenCat162
    JenCat162 Posts: 28 Member
    Quite often:) That's why I'm here. Try not to get discouraged!!!
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    Can't say that's happened to me, but I have been strongly discouraged when I was basically forced to buy pant sizes that were larger than I was used to... or when my pants I used to wear no longer fit me.

    Don't cry. :) Take all that sadness or frustration and turn it into motivation. You say you looked hideous in everything, but somehow I doubt that. Just keep positive, and try something else. If, for now, you need to get something different, then understand that it is temporary, and with the hard work you'll put in, you'll feel better about everything in the long run. :D I hope my words make sense, and it helps you feel a little better. :)
  • OElleBelleO
    OElleBelleO Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah, something similar. When I was younger, I used to freak out when something in my regular size didn't fit me. Mostly freaking out consisted of bawling on the floor.
    FYI: You just need to find something that your personal body shape looks good in. (I didn't learn that until many years later)
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm so sorry that happened. I know exactly how you feel. Before I got started on my weight loss, my fiance took me out to get some dress clothes for work and when I met him, I was a size 7/9.. I pick up a size 12 knowing I had gained some weight. They didn't even come up over my thighs! Then, a 14... up, but not where near buttoning. Then a 16, gave me muffin top. I had to go back out there and get a size 18... they fit perfectly. I cried the whole way home... It was depressing, embarrassing, and I felt so gross. Now, I use it as motivation. I will tell myself I will never be that size again and each time I think about eating a lot or skipping a workout, I remember those days. Now, my work pants are a size 14 and I'm hoping by September I'll have to buy a smaller size.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Can't say that's happened to me, but I have been strongly discouraged when I was basically forced to buy pant sizes that were larger than I was used to... or when my pants I used to wear no longer fit me.

    Don't cry. :) Take all that sadness or frustration and turn it into motivation. You say you looked hideous in everything, but somehow I doubt that. Just keep positive, and try something else. If, for now, you need to get something different, then understand that it is temporary, and with the hard work you'll put in, you'll feel better about everything in the long run. :D I hope my words make sense, and it helps you feel a little better. :)

    well said... don't get discouraged. Keep focused on your goal. You will get there but it does take time :)
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    Yes, I received the shock of my life when I was trying on black skirts (the style I wore when I was thin & pre-baby at a size 4). At that time I was in a size 14 and it was horrible that I couldn't find a black skirt that looked good. I was very upset in the dressing room that day. But it spurred me on to lose that weight! You can do it! Discipline and some sweat and you'll look great in no time!
  • FatBoyTriathlete
    FatBoyTriathlete Posts: 21 Member
    I know that feeling too. I had to go shopping for a suit for a wedding and not only was I struggling to get into the biggest sizes but I looked like a 'bear in a suit'.

    Hang in there, it will get better I'm sure!
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    Yep. :(

    Try to change these feelings into motivating ones. And like everyone else has said, it is only temporary. Buy clothes that fit you now because you'll feel much more comfortable in them and you'll look better. I've tried too many times to wear my old clothes that are too tight on me now and I end up looking terrible.

    On another note, enjoy your trip to London!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    ***Moderator edited, see my reply for explanation. -SHBoss1673 ***

    As for the real thing I should be addressing, yes, I have absolutely been there. Actually, when I (well, my boyfriend) took my Day 1 30 Day Shred pics, I was so upset. I didn't cry, but I beat myself up inside almost ten times worse...I wish I would have cried instead. We are all on a journey, nothing comes easy. Just think, with some extra hard work and dedication, in no time, you'll be SPINNING in that EXACT same dressing room and smiling with the AWESOME feeling of confidence and accomplishment.
  • cmv0821
    cmv0821 Posts: 2 Member
    absolutely has those damn mirrors from every angle...ugh...stay strong..lord knows its not easy but you are not alone! :)
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I can understand, I have had my fair share of "dressing room" and 'shower" cries. I let it all out, and compose myself, continue looking for something else and would feel better. then when i got over my crying I reminded myself that I can do this and i'm doing it for myself. to be healthy.

    Keep going and you can do this!! we're all here to support you.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Can't say that's happened to me, but I have been strongly discouraged when I was basically forced to buy pant sizes that were larger than I was used to... or when my pants I used to wear no longer fit me.

    Don't cry. :) Take all that sadness or frustration and turn it into motivation. You say you looked hideous in everything, but somehow I doubt that. Just keep positive, and try something else. If, for now, you need to get something different, then understand that it is temporary, and with the hard work you'll put in, you'll feel better about everything in the long run. :D I hope my words make sense, and it helps you feel a little better. :)

    well said.
    turn it into a motivation and keep on going. you will feel better in the long run.
    nothing wrong with crying - just don't let it keep you down.
  • goochee
    goochee Posts: 4
    Oh I have done it too. It's kinda like when your watching TV and you keep going to the fridge expecting to find something different then the last time you looked. I think when I try something new on it's going to give me a new body or something! So sad sometimes you have to laugh.
    But when you drop a few pounds it makes it easier to look at. This is my first struggle with weight and it really has been hard but I know it will happen and you will drop the weight too.
    Then when were all think we can give all our big clothes away! Don't give up!!!
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    I didn't cry but felt extremely disappointed in myself and used that as my drive. A few months back before I started changing my eating habits and exercising I needed to find a suit for an event and just like you everything I owned no longer fit.

    I was somewhat okay with that but what made me feel ashamed/embarrassed was when I went to the Calvin Klein and Kenneth Cole stores and BOTH places didn't even carry anything in my size.

    I can't wait to go back there in a few months and buy a suit from each place! That's my motivation.

    Keep your head up and continue to work hard like you have. Clothes don't make the person and the size of the outfit doesn't matter because you're already beautiful inside.
  • whatshesaid
    whatshesaid Posts: 53 Member
    Of course, sometimes I get in there and want to scream.... I'm always in denail about putting weight on, thinking ok, I was a size 9, maybe now size 11 will fit, then i can't get those buttoned up, so i try 14, and sometimes that fits but sometime it's too big, but I just remember when I used to fit into an 8 (or a big 6/7) and want to curl up and sob because how in the world did I go from an 8 to a 12 so fast?

    And don't talk to me about trying to find a bathing suit... i'd just as soon swim in a snowsuit :P
  • I had an event where I had to wear a bathing suit -- OMG --- now THAT was disgusting !! BUT ... I turned it into motivation. I should have bought a size 18, but bought the 16 instead ... now it is loose and i am looking for a 12 !!!!!!!! YIPPEEEE !!

    You can do it !!!
  • This happened to me this past weekend . i had to find something in my closet to wear for a family wedding and i didn't think much of it because i have close that fit me in between sizes . Little did i know that nothing would fit as i ripped pant after past after skirt it washed over like a cold bucket of water that i have let it go farther than i thought . I went to bed and in the morning wore a skirt and top that fit me and tried to enjoy myself for the day . Often times we need moments like this to provided the fuel that was much needed form ourselves . I am going to buy a nice pair of black slacks one pair and push back to where i used to be .

    I want to lose my next 20 pds which will put me at 220 does not sound like much but when you are morbid obese like myself it sounds far . So please do not be so hard cry if must today but know that your next wish will be fullfilled soom . xoxox
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I've been there many times. As Sean said, channel that sadness into motivation and understand this is only temporary. Keep looking forward.