Early birds and morning workouts...need advice!



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Have everything ready to go the night before. When I have to wake up early I make sure that I have

    - my clothes laid out (shorts, tshirt, sports bra)
    - socks and my tennis shoes
    - my keys and sunglasses
    - my ipod and headphones
    - my wallet
    - a water bottle and protein bar for the drive home

    Then you get to just roll out of bed and go. Mentally, it means you don't have that excuse of, ugh, where is everything I am going to be late anyways, blah blah blah.

    I also do this with my work stuff on days I work out in the am so that I am not in a rush when I get home from the gym in the morning. Its amazing the difference it makes in my attitude.

    Plus, everyone is right. Once you form the habit you'll be fine.
  • lexy3587
    lexy3587 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not a morning person, and I do the morning workout (well... currently, I do it twice a week... but I'm working my way up to more!). I am far more likely to show up in the morning than in the evening, after a long day of work, and a long walk with the dog, and dinner and... the tv is right there... and I'm already on the couch... lol
    My best advice - get a buddy - someone else you drive there with, even if you don't do the same things at the same time - it'll drag you out of bed on mornings you don't want to go, because not going would ruin someone elses morning plans too.
    Another thing you could do is participate in something that requires you to sign up ahead of time. The cross-fit classes I'm taking in the morning require me to register beforehand, and I can only cancel before 6 am the morning before the class. Missing the class woudl be wasting money, so I drag myself out of bed.

    Definitely give it a try - I find that once i'm moving in the gym, I feel so much more awake, and not at all like I want to go back to bed. Keeping that in mind helps me get there in the first place :) ...
    Good luck!
  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member
    Make sure that you set a bedtime and stick to it. If you don't, you'll be too tired to get up. Even if you don't plan to workout, make that bedtime a routine. I try to be in bed by 10, 11 at the VERY latest and I get up at 4:45 to start my workout at 5. It does get easier. :)
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    I tried morning workouts but I set myself up for failure. Do the achievable first. Work with your fiance to make dinners every other day to allow you to workout at your peak energy levels.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I am SO not a morning person. :yawn: I need to drag myself out of bed just to get up at my 'regular' time, let alone getting up earlier to do exercise.

    When I started 30DS I quickly learned that I liked getting it done and over with in the morning, many days I'll have stuff going on in the evenings and didn't want to have to get that workout in late at night.

    Though it's really not that much easier to get up early to work out, I find that I have a greater sense of accomplishment for the day when I do. And now, I feel like a slug when I don't work out in the mornings!
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Been doing the morning thing for 2 months... I am not a morning person! I just force myself to do it. (I have to run, can't afford the gym) Once I get out there and actually make myself... I feel soooo much better during the day and have more energy to do the family thing/dinner in the evenings. Instead of talking myself out of it, I started learning how to talk myself into it... :)

    Good Luck and happy working out!

    THIS is what I was going to say. I forced myself to wake up at 5:30 for the gym and stuck with it for a while. I would actually prefer to workout in the a.m. and am not a morning person either! Also, maybe you and your fiancee could make a schedule to alternate when who makes dinner. Whenever he makes it you can go to the gym, and maybe his days (every other day) you can have a rest day.
  • 33runnergirl
    33runnergirl Posts: 80 Member
    I recently switched my workouts to the AM due to the heat. As everyone has said, it just takes some getting used to but once you get in the habit it is not that bad. I still feel like I preform better in the evening but there is nothing better than getting home from work and not having to workout. I also feel like I have more energy during the day.

    Best of luck! You can do it! Before you know it you will be looking forward to those AM workouts!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    That is what hubby and I do right now.

    Home at 6, dinner and play time with my little one until 730. Bathtime/ bedtime until about 815. Get dressed and start working out around 820 or 830 depending on how long it takes little one to chill.

    We are done by 9 (doing 30 DS right now.) Then it is clean up time, making lunches, showers and our bedtime.

    It's hard. We discussed this morning that we need to start getting up in the morning and working out so we feel like we have a "break" at night. Plus, I've slacked on my running because of the above so I think if we work out in the mornings, I can run a few times a week in the evenings and not be so exhausted. I've done it once and was able to get a really good, high protein breakfast in before getting ready for work and I felt like a million bucks all day. So we are probably going to start that tomorrow morning and see how it goes. I am NOT a morning person but I will have that sacrifice if it means I can sit down and relax for 30 minutes at night!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I have not read through every answer, but I think I'm going to sound like A LOT of people when I say that after a few days to a week you will get used to it and you will LOVE it...maybe not LOVE it, but you'll feel better and find that you have more energy throughout your day! I currently don't do early morning workouts anymore, but I used to and it took me about a week of MAKING myself do it, but it amazed me how energetic I was afterwards!!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I didn't think i was a morning person either until I started am workouts. I started going to bed at 10 instead of 12 and now I get up at 6am and am on the elliptical by 6:30am. I'm not even fully awake at that time of the day, but I get it over with. Just push through it and eventually it will become second nature.
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    After a while you'll adjust to it. When you get to that point, you won't feel right if you don't get your morning burn in!
    Yes!!! Agreed!!!! I have been doing it for about 4 months now, and when I miss a day, I don't feel as good, and I feel a little "off" all day. It has gotten easier, and just part of my routine now. My husband gets up for work at that time (4:40 a.m.:yawn: ) so I feel like if he can do it, so can I. Also - when you work out early like that, you get it out of the way. It's done for the day -and only 1 shower!!!! :smile:
    I give myself "pep talks" too, saying that it's MY time!! That hour or so in the morning that is just for ME!! Nobody else. It's a little gift I give to myself daily, that nobody can take away! You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    It gets easier. don't think that MWF or something would be easier. Doing it EVERY WEEKDAY at the same time makes it easier. Lay your clothes/gear out the night before. Get a good night's sleep.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Can your fiance start dinner for you? You can work out while he's getting dinner ready, then eat as soon as you get home.
  • Kee315
    Kee315 Posts: 33
    I feel the morning workouts are best, it is hard to get up some times, but I have all my clothes/gear set out the night before so when i wake up all I have to do is get dress and not look for this or that, which gives me no excuse to get up and get moving. Is it possible for you to workout during your lunch break? Good luck, it may be hard starting, but you will feel good after your done!
  • joburridge
    joburridge Posts: 16

    The only time i get to exercise is when the gym opens at 6am so i am usually up and going at 5.15am ... never thought that would happen...
    If you do decide to do it the best piece of advise i can give you is to get all your gear ready the night before... make sure you can literally role out of bed and into to your trainers and into the gym..

    It is hard at that time of the morning it will not be easy... but have a bottle of water in hand a healthy snack to get your sugar levels going... ( i have half of a banana or half a special k bar)

    I also sit on my *kitten* all day and i try to get away from it during lunch and going for a walk for 45 mins which then leaves me time to eat some lunch... as long as you get up and move and keep moving you will loose weight

  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    can your fiancee not make the dinners as well>? maybe alternate days so you have a chance to get some exercise in.

    why dont u start on 30day shred as thats only 20 mins and its a great workout so you can surely find 20 mins to cram it in, i always find i sleep much better after a good workout and a hot shower.

    Its all about changing your mind frame and if you really are determined then you will find the time. im sure looking after an infant is a great workout on its own!! x

    We would be eating Mac and Cheese or Ramen every night. :laugh:

    I love the man and he does the majority of the housework and laundry but cooking is not a skill he has. Finding 20 minutes isn't too hard but working out at home is next to impossible. If the baby is awake, she wants to climb all over mommy (Pilates makes mommy look like a jungle gym I guess)
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Have everything ready to go the night before, get straight into your gym gear when you wake up, and your body will be out the door before your brain has had time to go "You're doing what now????"

    :laugh: Love this! I am a chronic snooze button hitter, so I need to "trick" my brain.

    Thanks for the tips everyone. I've lost a lot of weight with MFP before and was a faithful workout routine person...until the baby. That little munchkin got me under her spell and I didn't want to leave her side the first year and felt guilty for working out.

    I told the fiance the other day, I don't regret being fat for her first year because I was there for every minute (aside from work). However, now she is becoming more independent and would rather play on her own, I won't feel so guilty for getting some me time in. I just need to switch routines from right after work to first thing in the morning.

    Just one more thing to conquer! :drinker:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Two reasons I decided to work out in the morning.
    1. It doesn't take any extra time away from my family. I have a 2 year-old and a 4 year-old who I love dearly. Since I work full-time I only get about 3 hours with them in the evening and I'm not willing to sacrifice that for anything (even something as worthy as setting a good example for them and living longer).
    2. When I get up at 5:30 to work out, I'm less likely later in the day to make bad food choices. I'm all, "I did NOT get up at bloody 5:30 this morning for nothing," whereas if I'm planning to work out in the evening, I might say, "Weeeellllll, I can have ONE cookie since I'm gonna work out tonight.

    Now in the morning when the damn alarm goes off I think, "If I don't get up and workout I'm only cheating myself." And that usually does it. A little cold water on my face and a tooth-brushing gets me going. Then I'm fired-up for the rest of the day from the work out.

    I was never a morning person, either, but you know... there's a LOT of beauty to witness by yourself in the morning.

    I hope this helps. :)

    Thank you!! I love this! And completely agree with the reasons for not working out in the evening. I only get 3 hours of "family time" too, 1 of which is spent cooking dinner and chatting from the kitchen. :grumble:

    The making better food choices is great motivation!! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • cammers74
    cammers74 Posts: 45
    I've been doing early morning work outs for the past couple of months, and although it was a struggle at first, my body is kind of used to it now and I actually prefer it. Im normally lacking motivation and energy at the end of the day, and the morning work outs are definitely boosting my energy levels!

    Give it a try and see how you go! :)
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    when i lost lots of weight a few years ago, i was working 9-5 but leaving for work at 7.30 and getting home at 7.30 4days a week due to commutes, the other working day i stayed at a friends house who lived nearer my work :-) i found that i had to have a light dinner as soon as i got home and then wait an hour and then workout and then shower and wind down after that before hitting the sack at 11pm, would be asleep before midnight and i have never found it easy to fall asleep. as long as you dont eat again after that workout, save for maybe a low cal hot chocolate (options or cadburys highlights were my go to) as i also am not a morning person, i recommend this method over the rising early, as that would literally kill my motivation. sorry. good luck, whatever you choose to do. :-)