Getting Disheartened!!! HELP!

k1229 Posts: 135
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Well its been over a month since i really started "going for it" Im at the gym 3x a week for 1.5-2hrs a time, on the nights im not at the gym im working out in my garage to Davina, or P.Cat Dolls or Claire from Steps (DVDS) im walking everywhere, eating sensibly, and drinking tonnes of water, but nothing seems to be changing!!!

Im getting so down about it, that its making me lose my appetite altogether.

Its not like im standing on the treadmill doing nothing...i do 25 minutes of a fat burn programme which is 5.0 speed on a 14 sweating buckets and really enjoying it, then im onto the seated leg press, arm pulls, chest pulls, hand bike, and the stationary bike for 25 minutes too then i finish up with an additional 25 min of treadwork!

The stuff i do at home is high intensity dance aerobics, plenty lunging and squats and sweating coming from that too!!!

My fitness and stamina have definitely improved...but please someone tell me when im going to see some physical changes!!!

Im not going to give up but c'mon body please change!!!! I dont want to be a fatty anymore!!!!!!! (i never did)

*EDIT - it blanked out a word it obv thinks is rude.... have now edited to P. Cat Dolls.



  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    Have you measured your inches?? Sometimes you lose in your measurements before you lose actual weight on the scale. I hope this helps you! You have a lot of support here, don't give up! :)

  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Have you noticed any changes in your clothes fitting you better?? Hang in there!! You can do it. Also, I have been told to be sure I am eating 1200 NET carbs, and that made a difference. You wouldn't think eating more would make you lose more, but it did for me.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Did yout ake your measurements before you started? That might be where you see a big change.
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    open your diary for a while, so we can see what your eating.
  • JoeB71
    JoeB71 Posts: 115 Member
    Don't be discouraged. If it's your weight on the scale not changing, I wouldn't worry too much. You're probably adding muscle in place of the fat lose. Just be patient & stay focused. With time you will get to were you want to be. Best of luck to you.
  • JoeB71
    JoeB71 Posts: 115 Member
    Oops, double post
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Have you measured your inches?? Sometimes you lose in your measurements before you lose actual weight on the scale. I hope this helps you! You have a lot of support here, don't give up! :)

    Great minds think alike:laugh:
  • Just make sure you're eating enough. Not eating enough will leave your body in starvation mode with all that exercise. You won't lose any weight.:ohwell:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    stupid double post!:grumble:
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    It can take a little while to kick start. That's one hell of a workout you're doing, are you certain you are eating enough to allow your body to lose weight?

    There's a link someone on here posted a while back to a very sensible article detailing what to change (and change one thing) if you are genuinely trying hard to lose weight and aren't managing to. It's a long article but there's a bulleted list towards to end of the three things you might need to change. I found it reassuring since I seem to eat more than most people on here yet am losing weight - I know if it's not broke don't try to fix it, but I often feel guilty at my at least 1800 kcal a day 'diet' when so many people are only eating 1200. Mind you, I've been rubbish - so much junk - this last week - still no gain (yet) though! Last week of term is always the same, I think I'm burning tons simply in nervous energy!
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    i thought my diary was open....hang on...yeah i took al my measurements, and theyre all still the same.

    unhappy face.

    I'll try opening my diary again... x
  • ecansino
    ecansino Posts: 2
    OMG! I am totally feeling the same way, but I have to remind myself that at least my stamina is improving and that I am not getting any younger, so at least it has health benefits. But that being said, I do HOPE to see some loss soon too. Hang in there.
  • weebowll
    weebowll Posts: 15
    I know you put that you are eating "sensibly" but what exactly do you mean by that? I know that for a while I was going to the gym 5 days a week, alternating jogging and strength training and I wasn't really seeing any improvement. It was really discouraging to be working so hard and not seeing any results!
    But then my gym buddy told me I really needed to pay more attention to what I eat. Even though I was cutting my calories a large part of my diet was carbs, and I wasn't even looking at my sodium... I have since made an effort to keep those things in check and it has already made a big difference... and it was only two week ago!
    I don't know if it'll work for you, but really paying attention to what I eat has made all the difference for me.
    Don't give up, it'll pay off in the end! Good luck!
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    Try to keep your heart rate at a decent level and not to fast

    The optimal range for fat burning is between 60 and 70 percent of maximum heart rate over this rate you burn carbs
    for a woman its 226 minus age for a man its 220 minus age

    for me
    220 minus 39 = 181
    181 divided by 100 =1.81
    1.81 times 60 = 108
    1.81 times 70 = 127
    so for me to burn maximum fat i need to keep my heart rate between 108 and 127 bpm to burn fat

    try eating every 3-4 hours as this encourages your body to burn it off rather than store it.

    dont give in.
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    Just keep doing what you're doing. Lots of the time, we are the last to notice physical differences in ourselves. At least, that has been my experience. DON"T GIVE UP! With the program you detailed, both you and others will start to notice a real difference soon. It's already happening. It just takes some patience and realization to know that DRASTIC changes take a long time. Take some measurements, eat right, drink right, and exercise for a few more weeks and see if there is any change.
  • Oh dear... You're not eating enough. I tried to do the same thing. I felt like crap all the time and didn't lose anything. Then I started eating MORE and starting losing immediately. Eat 1200 NET a day. Eat back at least some of what you burn. You will feel tons better and the weight will come off.
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    Oh dear... You're not eating enough. I tried to do the same thing. I felt like crap all the time and didn't lose anything. Then I started eating MORE and starting losing immediately. Eat 1200 NET a day. Eat back at least some of what you burn. You will feel tons better and the weight will come off.

    I agree.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    Hi Guys! thank you so much for all your input!!! and so quickly!!

    My general diet is:

    Tea or water in the morning with a banana (depending on how i feel)
    a Weight watchers meal or a cheese sandwich (home made) for lunch with a can of diet coke and water.
    Dinner - usually something light like chicken or another WW Meal (but sometimes nothing at all)

    I just cant seem to get near the 1200 most days...and then theres excercise cals on top.

    My weight wasnt gained thru food (if that makes sense) ive never ever been a big eater, but i have/had a totally sedentary lifestyle...sitting behind my desk all day and then being absolutely shattered by the time i got home meant i just wanted to chill which meant no excersise, so the little bits i was eating were just staying put and not being burned thru excersise. that and of course being in a happy comfortable relationship didnt help.
  • You're not giving your body what it needs to support that kind of exercise. Or even enough to function for that matter. You should really try to eat more. Even if its very small amounts through the day.
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    on tuesday you ate only 500 calories after your body used the rest to fuel your workout. if most days are like that your body is in starvation mode for sure.
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