Calorie Question

I am quite overweight (we're talking more that 100 pounds) and I have been using MFP for 3 weeks now and have lost 7.5 pounds just on calorie counting. I hve it set at 1 pound perweek and I understand that my calorie goal for the day is 500 calories lower than my maintaining needs. I am now adding the eliptical 3 times a week, no weight training yet as I do not want to push too hard and give up (been there before) My question is this, since I did not set it to 2 pounds per week is it ok (or shall I say not harmful to me) if on the three days I exercise (with my HRM) if I leave those calories and do not eat them? The only reason I ask is that on a regular day a 2 lb a week weight loss calorie goal does not seem to be enough, but on days that I exercise the 1 pound goal is still ok for me, this would leave me 3 days a week with a 350-500 calorie deficit over my goal calories.

I know I sound silly asking, but I have lost weight before and gained it back and my mom just had a triple bypass last year at 54 and I really just feel like I don't want to put my four kids through that kind of situation. I don't want to be sitting here three years from now writing about my success and then gainig it all back because I was doing everything wrong.


  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I think you'd be fine doing it that way.
  • jennahiggins
    jennahiggins Posts: 56 Member
    I think it would be fine. I will set my goal at 1 lb a week every other week and then 2lbs a week the alternating weeks. I very rarely hit those extra calories. The only way you need them (as told by my doctor) is if you are feeling tired, run down, have headaches, are achy or are hungry. You must listen to your body, and those symptoms usually tell you that when you are working out, you aren't eating enough.

    I also have 100 + pounds to lose, feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    With a BMI in the obes range or higher, you should be able to get by without eating your exercise calories. Don't feel bad if you're hungry and do eat them though.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    i'm not a professional or anything, but when it comes to losing weight you need to take in less calories than you are burning. On this site the calories counters are guidelines and suggestions, they don't need to be followed to the T. I just read on this site:

    That one pound equals 3500 calories and healthy weight loss goals are 1 to 2 pounds per week. I would suggest through what I've read, just make sure your not starving yourself when you eat under your daily calorie intake, and your energy is still up and not starting to lag, this may mean your body isn't getting enough energy. Also, this site really stresses to maintain healthy eating habits rather than going on a fixed diet.

    I hope this site and my comments help!
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I would really suggest consulting a doctor. He/she will be more qualified to tell you what is healthiest and what will help the most in the long run. My doctor was helpful in determining realistic goals for myself.