Runners Explain...



  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    I always hated running more than anything and have a bad knee to boot. I started the C25K program and now I love running! I run outside on a trail so there are always people with dogs and such to look at, plus I listen to music. When I started I had the same problems you do with the shin pain and breathing, so I did some research on running form and breathing techniques and it made a huge difference. Now I can't wait to run and I'm bummed out on off days. Just stick with it and ask for advice if you're having a problem.
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    I always hated running more than anything and have a bad knee to boot. I started the C25K program and now I love running! I run outside on a trail so there are always people with dogs and such to look at, plus I listen to music. When I started I had the same problems you do with the shin pain and breathing, so I did some research on running form and breathing techniques and it made a huge difference. Now I can't wait to run and I'm bummed out on off days. Just stick with it and ask for advice if you're having a problem.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    This question always intrigues me. Find something you like and do that instead. There are lots of things you can do that will get you in shape besides running. Try kick boxing, swimming, basketball, Zumba, spinning. There are so many options. Running can be hard and it's even harder if you don't like it. Life's too short to waste your time doing something you hate in my opinion.

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    yep every first couple of miles suck... I realized I love it.

    When I ran my first half marathon I even wrote on my arm in Marker ... it all gets better after 2.5 :)
    I'm with Emma. I absolutely despised running. I mean, really, really hated it. I've gotten better over time, and now miss it if I don't get a run in.

    I think most runners would agree that at least the first mile sucks. :D Problem is, most people who hate it quit before that marker. :) I've gone from a 19 minute mile in January to a sub-12 minute mile now. AND, I'm training for a half! (did I REALLY just say that??!!!)

    I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon last week -- and thought the same thing, Flyntigger (what the &^%$ am I thinking??) Maybe we're crazy...but hmmm...crazy feels darned good right now.

    emmaleigh47 -- I might try that arm tattoo!!

    Congrats Tina! Your first half is a wonderful experience... just repeat to yourself over and over... its all about finishing...
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I started doing the elliptical and then that kinda led me into trying running. I can't do it for very long, but I think the elliptical helped a lot in getting my legs used to the motions of running.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just a bit of advice for you - if you find you're running out of breath quickly, slow waaaaaay down. It's going to feel weird at first but if you take smaller steps (more like a jog, not a long stride run), it helps a lot. Also, keep your arms/hands/shoulders as loose as you can - tension will use up a lot of energy quickly and you'll end up with a sore upper back.

    As far as your feet go, make sure you've got shoes with really good support if your arches get sore. I love the Spenco arch supports and they even have one specifically for runners.

    I've always had sort of a love/hate relationship with running. I like doing it but don't always like how it makes my body feel (bad knee from accident 5 years ago). I'm learning slowly what works for me though and gradually making my glutes/hips stronger to help stabilize.
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    I started runing two years ago at age 57 1/2 . Never thought i could or would love it! If I can anyone can. Still running strong.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I've always admired runners, and wanted to run -- but when it came down to actually doing it, I hated it. It was boring, I burned out in the first few minutes, and it hurt. I've been doing C25K for a couple weeks now, and I love it. I love that it eases you in to running and then challenges you. Some factors that I think help: I'm doing it with friends; I'm pacing myself, taking smaller strides (keeping my weight over my legs, instead of stretching them long in front of me); I'm running on the track at the local HS which is a MUCH nicer than the roads and sidewalks; and I'm running barefoot which means I'm not hurting myself anymore.

    I had a friend tell me a few months ago that she loved running barefoot, and if she found out she had to wear shoes to run, she'd probably just stop running. I thought that was a little odd, but I gave it a try and I totally get it now. It's awesome - it is a huge part of me LOVING my C25K days. (If you're going to try barefoot, do some reading on it first - it's not like running in shoes.)
  • cdub78
    cdub78 Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you for the great advice everyone! I am going to look into the C25K thing you all are talking about and see if it works! Hopefully I'll be able to report back to everyone about what a great runner I turn into! Lord knows I could use some time to de-stress and zone out!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    When I began running I couldn't run for more than 3 minutes at a time! I now love running, I regularly run races and have run half marathons. I am not "built" for running (top heavy), but running has changed my shape, got me fit and nothing beats the feeling of getting into a stride where you feel amazing and feel like you could run forever! It also helps that if I want to go out and have a nice meal for a special occasion, or a few drinks with friends, I can do a longish run, safe in the knowledge that I have heaps of ectra calories to play with.

    I was out early morning recently, it had been raining a little, then the sun came out, I saw a huge rainbow and was really hitting my stride and thought "I'm a real runner!" - it still takes me by suprise. If I can do it anyone can, just take the advice others have given re building it up, correct fitting trainers, etc and stick at it. Running used to make me want to boak (that's the Irish version of "throw up btw), but that passes after a few runs and then you feel great! :laugh: Good luck!
  • Sylarsgrandma
    Sylarsgrandma Posts: 1 Member
    Quitting smoking is hard and the way I see it if you can do that you can do anything.
    I Quit smoking in December of 2010 and started running shortly thereafter. I found running very difficult and yes boring in the beginning but I pushed through and now I love to run. I average around 5 miles a day 5 days a week and take a couple days off to rest . I started very slow with short runs and then increased my time and distance. But I have to say running is not for everyone and you have to listen to your body. I say find something you love to do like when you were a kid and exercise was just play. I haven't yet found that myself but I'm looking.
    Best of luck.