Non MFP related

chelroxxx Posts: 13 Member
Does anyone else have to deal with an absentee parent? Or the fact that they do not pay child support? I got to the point today that I told my sons father that if he or anyone in his family want to see my son that they can take me to court. I am sick of them not caring unless it is convenient for them. None of them has seen my son in months and then when they do see him my son comes home upset because he feels inferior next to his one year old sister. Am I wrong to be like this? I am just so fed up with the BS and I wish they would just stay out of his life forever. I have been in a relationship for over 4 years now and my son is 5. My boyfriend has been there since before my son turned one and he is the only real "dad" my son has in his life. Don't get me wrong, my son knows who his biological father is but he doesn't seem phased if he doesn't see him for months on end..


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Im there right with you girl......its hard to deal with...I know my ex doesnt come around unless its maybe once every 3 months to see our son and thats just to spend like 4 hours with him taking him out to eat at Gattytown or something...but he will go get his ex wifes kids (3 of them are not even his) for every other weekend. Ive just come to the point where I dont call or anything....he can call me and we will discuss it then.....he called juy 4th, well texted me asking if our son has plans (he is 12 I make his plans) never heard from him even if he says he is coming or something I dont even tell our son cause most the time he never shows up.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My oldest child is 8 and my youngest child is 5. They couldn't tell you who their biological father is. He doesn't call and he doesn't come around. I finally filed for child support this year so I would have state documentation that he doesn't pay for when my husband and I go to court for adoption. He tells people I keep them from him. But my husband has seen me talk to my ex. My husband wishes his ex would give him the opportunities I have given my ex.

    My husband on the other hand pays child support to his ex and his ex won't even let him talk to his daughter. She lives 1400 miles from us. If he wants to see his daughter he has to go there and stay there and still pay her child support and abide by her rules. (They were never married, never filed a parenting plan) He lives and works in Oklahoma and we don't have the funds right now to pay for a lawyer to get a parenting plan in play.