What does a 150lb woman look like??



  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Whenever I tell anyone my weight, male or female.. they always say the same thing: "You don't LOOK like you weigh 150lbs!" I know they mean it as a compliment, but they all keep saying the same thing... so I'm wondering now...


    Any ladies want to share photos of yourself at 150lbs? Thanks. I'll take some of myself and post them up after the baby wakes up from her nap :)

    This is something that I don't understand. Why are so many women so worried about how they look. I've read so many posts on MFP that are all about wanting to look a certain way. What about just being healthy? shouldn't that come before the way a person looks? Anyway, your BMI is 21.5. That's really good.

    I'm not worried about how I look... sure there are areas on my body that I am working to improve but my reasons for conditioning and toning my body are my own personal reasons, not because I'm concerned what others will think about my body. IF ANYTHING, it is the exact opposite. People tell me that I look fantastic and that I shouldn't workout as much as I do and that my body looks great after having three kids. I'm not looking for compliments. I want a strong core because I want to be able to wakeboard like the boys. I want to surf and do tricks. I want to have the energy and endurance to get through dance routines. I have MANY reasons for the improvements and work that I do with my body.

    However, my REASON for posting this wasn't to judge women, to determine if 150lbs was considered "fat" etc. I really just wanted to know what women of all different body types looked like at 150lbs. I was just curious, I wasn't looking for reassurance. If I were insecure I wouldn't be walking around telling people "oh hey I weigh 150lbs." lol.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks girls <3

    I think its awesome how we all weigh the same and all have different body types and shapes, I know height plays a part, but I even see the differences in people of similar height. Very interesting.

    As for the scale, I know its primitive and I honestly don't care what number it gives me.. as long as I look and feel good when I look in the mirror. You all look wonderful and I am now convinced that the people who tell us, "you don't look like you weigh 150lbs!" or whatever they say about our weight, just have a misconception of what 150lbs looks like.. or they think is supposed to look like..
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    I'm amazed people would actually ask how much anyone weighs :ohwell:
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Check out this site:


    Real people post pictures of themselves, and you can search by height and weight.

    That's an amazing site! thanks for sharing
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 150, and I'm chubby. I wear about a 29 pant or size 10. My goal is 125-135. Everyone's body is sooo different!
  • JustMichelleB
    As others have said, it completely depends on your height (mainly) and your body frame. For the OP, being 5'10" and 150 is awesome (i can't imagine why you'd want your goal weight to be 125, that's too thin for your height!!)

    Now at 5'3", I'm very fat when I was 150. I'm in the low 130s (would love to get in the 120s again, but starting to come to accept it may not happen, not unless I stop eating sweets/carbs, and well, I am healthy enough that I'm not planning on making myself completely miserable, HAHA!).
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I am 5' 8 1/2" and in my profile pic, I am about 156 (I am 150 now) :)

    I also get that comment "Are you kidding me? There is no way that you weight 150" (used to happen more when I was in the 170's).

    I do have a larger frame and my legs are pretty muscular though, so that plays a big part in it, but hey, I'll still take the compliment :)
  • deanna71382
    deanna71382 Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh 155, you can take a look at my pics on my profile. You look fabulous, all of you women do.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I find it incredibly insulting when someone tells me I don't look my weight. I don't know if it's just that I've heard it a million times or if I just want people to accept that I'm telling the truth ... I don't know but I'm sick of hearing it!!

    Check out this blog: http://everydaypaleo.com/2011/06/22/attention-scale-addicts-part-2/

    The woman discussed in the article got very fit and stayed the same weight - 155lbs. Here is a picture:


    Basically, the fact of the matter is that the scale doesn't mean much in terms of fitness. It's going to be different for every single person out there.
  • bbear
    bbear Posts: 96 Member
    Off subject but...

    I just looked at your food diary, are you really only eating 300-500 calories a day?

    I know it's not my business but I was just wondering and a little worried if so.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I just want to say that weight looks different on everyone. I have always looked like I weigh less than I do, and I'm not quite sure why. Maybe I have more muscle or heavier bones. You are very tall, so I think you look your weight. Most people think 150 is kind of heavy for an average height woman, but not for someone who is 5'10".
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I don't have any pictures, but I'm around 5"11" and when I weigh 150, that's basically my ideal. At that weight, I'm a very loose size 6 or comfortable size 4. I'm currently trying to get back in the 150-155 range. No matter what weight I am, I always get told that I don't look it. I know it's a compliment, but it's annoying. Why would I lie about something so trivial?
    I get told every week by the same vendor at my work that I am skinnier and skinnier every time he sees me. Well...I haven't lost anything in almost 6 weeks (because I took a break for maintenance) so I have NO IDEA what he's talking about!

    My hair stylist, whom I see every two months, says the same thing. I was 170 the last time I weighed myself a month ago and the other gals who work in the salon tell me that I have a cute little figure and it's ridiculous to think that I need to lose weight. If I wouldn't get arrested for indecent exposure. I'd strip and show them my cleverly camoflauged belly.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Whenever I tell anyone my weight, male or female.. they always say the same thing: "You don't LOOK like you weigh 150lbs!" I know they mean it as a compliment, but they all keep saying the same thing... so I'm wondering now...


    Any ladies want to share photos of yourself at 150lbs? Thanks. I'll take some of myself and post them up after the baby wakes up from her nap :)

    This is something that I don't understand. Why are so many women so worried about how they look. I've read so many posts on MFP that are all about wanting to look a certain way. What about just being healthy? shouldn't that come before the way a person looks? Anyway, your BMI is 21.5. That's really good.

    Yeah right, because we guys don't care about how we look. :laugh: :laugh:
  • skywampler
    skywampler Posts: 1 Member
    This is an old post. But I recently got married (age 24) and thought I was heavy at 5'7" 140 . After two years of marriage and my husband constantly saying I looked good . . I stepped on the scale at 26 and saw 161. I didn't think I looked different, but numbers don't lie. I immediately started old fast dieting habits and lost a few pounds but it's not maintainable. Whether or not my husband can see the weight difference, I did and wasn't happy. Even though I worked out I wasn't doing it the right way. 45 min on the elliptical 3 times a week will not do it. So I pulled in outside opinions after I realized to make me happy I want to be back to 145. I purchased a fit bit and learned to portion my meals.. Not drink alcohol (as much). And exert myself 5 times a week. Not just cardio but spin , body pump , yoga , Pilates. Switching the workouts kept me and my body interested . I got to the point that workouts were not a burden, I felt bad if I missed them .. The picture i displayed was After 3 weeks .. 160 to 150. People would never guess I weigh that much. And it's not their business.. But I'm finally happy with my body, diet, and regimen. I hope that this gets to people who need it. Happy to answer any questions and encourage it because it will help me with the last 5 pounds I want to lose :)

  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    I'm always around 150 and looks different on me all the time gfqxqwgqqi4w.jpeg

    Every one of these shots is between 149-155 ... I'm 5'6 weight just carries different on people