is it okay to work out 7 days a week? Should I take a day of

I've been on a steady pace of losing about 10lbs per month for the past 6 1/2 months. I'm down 66lbs so far, with only 34 left to go. I work out every day on the eliptical for 30-40 minutes and 2-3 times a week I add in a toning DVD. I work out 7 days a week. When I attempt to skip a day, I end up feeling guilty and work out anyway. Is it okay to work out 7 days a week? Am I better off taking off 1day a week? On average, I skip 1 day per month.

What does everyone think about this? Has anyone else lost about 10 lbs a month working less then 7 days a week?

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  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    It's ok to work out whenever you feel like working out. But listen to your body. If you start to see symptoms of overtraining, take a day off. Or stretch, yoga, etc.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Do what feels right and feels good. There is no harm in doing cardio 7 days a week, just listen to your body. Strength training requires rest days to repair muscles, but cardio exercises do not require rest days.

    I also typically get in some form of cardio 7 days a week. 5 days jogging, 2 days elliptical, or something like that. I too feel guilty and just not myself if I haven't exercised for the day. Exercising motivates me to eat better. Without exercise I want to binge and snack all day.
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    I used to work out 5 days a week, but since joining MFP I have been doing 7 days a week as well...I like earning exercise calories :)