New to the game, and up for tips!!

Macknbee Posts: 22 Member
Hi everyone, I am new to the site and hope to find lots of support here! My friend suggested the site and so far I love it. I just wanted to post this message in hopes that any of you have any tips or ideas for me... I find I am having the hardest time cooking with variety, I seem to be eating the same things all the time and I would like to change some things up!!! Any Ideas?


  • birdielosingit
    birdielosingit Posts: 34 Member
    Have you been to Her whole concept is around low cal foods, so I have gotten some pretty good ideas from there. Also, one of the other members here has a food blog: I just looked at it this morning and she had some pretty tasty looking ideas. Have you looked at the recipe forum on here yet? I have seen some great ideas on there also. I, too, find myself eating a lot of the same foods for breakfast and lunch, but I really try to mix it up at dinner.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member

    ^^ An awesome website for ideas on healthy meals. Eat lots of fruits and veggies each week. Drink plenty of water. Get up and move around each day. The rest you can learn as you go. But the biggest thing to keep in mind that this is a lifestyle change which requires adding healthier foods and some exercise to your day. It will take time for the weight to drop so try not to get too frustrated if you don't see big results all the time. Good luck and stick with it. You CAN do this!
  • jenro39
    jenro39 Posts: 29
    Hi, why not go onto your friends diary and check out what they have eaten and get ideas from there. Just a thought.
  • jenro39
    jenro39 Posts: 29
    Hi, why not go onto your friends diary and check out what they have eaten and get ideas from there. Just a thought.
  • adie_rogers
    adie_rogers Posts: 17 Member
    I've been here a few days now and am loving it!!
    I'm more than happy to share my menus each week. Since having my daughter I've planned all my meals at the beginning of the week and then do the shopping accordingly. It keeps everything organised and has really helped from a budgeting perspective. And now I can bring in some lower calorie foods too.
    We've been deliberately cutting out a lot of carbs for a while now and I've been cutting down my portion sizes for a month or so. And now I've joined MFP it's given me a real boost.
    So, if it helps, this is what we've been eating for dinners this week:
    Sunday - Soup & Bagel
    Monday - Chicken Stir Fry with veg
    Tuesday - Bolognese (with extra lean mince) with Basmati rice instead of pasta
    Wednesday - Jacket Potato
    Thursday - Breaded Haddock, Carrots & Peas (and a pickled onion!!)
    Friday - Cumberland Pie & plenty of veg
    Saturday - party food at Grandma's 70th (butI'll be doing lots of exercise chasing after all the little ones at the party!)
    Best of luck with everything! xx
  • Macknbee
    Macknbee Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all of the suggestions guys, it's so nice to see so many supportive people on here!! I'm super excited!