Me too please

Just saw a post where folks reviewed someone's diary and offered suggestions. What a great idea. I'd appreciate anyone who would do the same for me. So far the weight loss seems to be going okay, but I'm kinda hungrier than I'd like. Yesterday I kinda succumbed, but otherwise, I've been pretty vigilant. I don't track water or coffee or tea. Thanks a million for any feedback. You guys rock.:smile:


  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    My first thing would be to suggest you track your sodium!!!!
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    ....and water!!!!!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I just went through a few of things you have been eating. What you need to do is go back and review what you could do with out -- such as the ice cream sandwich -- low fat or not -- you can eat something more filling in its place.

    I would stay away from the lattes -- there are plenty of coffees you can make and sweeten up for 5 calories and under and then in place of that 100 calorie latte you can have a cup of special K cereal.

    Also, you have a lot of dairy in your diet. Try to switch it up and eat some protein. Raw veggies are amazing because they are so low cal and good for you.

    Take out this - Skinny Cow - Chocolate With Fudge Ice Cream Cone, 1 cone -- 150 cals!

    Eat something more substantial -- You could have wheat thins (15 crackers with some fresh salsa fresca on it)