Movie Theatre Popcorn



  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I too LOVE movie theater popcorn and could eat a small bag (extra butter please) to myself. I rarely go to the movies, so i've just switched it up and order the kids pack. As the previous poster said, i get my guilty snack, it's portion controlled, and I just make sure that i eat really healthy the rest of the day and consider that to be a bulk of calories for the day. I agree with bringing your own snacks, there is just something about theater popcorn i can't resist (aka FAT!)
  • iSteakers
    iSteakers Posts: 45
    I just saw this on TV yesterday, the doctor show: a large popcorn without butter is still way, way, way too much fat because of the oil that it popped in, and too much sodium because they use salt on it. A better choice, calorie wise is a small hotdog with mustard and relish. Yes, it was hard to believe, but I had read that somewhere before. Hot dogs aren't all bad! And it's kind of a comfort food, from when we were kids in the summer time....I think.

    Yes high in fat and sodium, but you can fund the full counts online for some theatres and I have always been able to budget ALL nutrition info into my 1200 calorie diet including sodium and fat (I am very strict about it). So again it is possible. And hot dogs typically have more sodium than popcorn at least in my experience ;)
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    Great article about it:

    And movie theaters have lobbied hard to be excluded from the nutrition requirements that chain restaurants will have to abide by soon. Movie theaters should be included and at least be honest about the "food" they serve.

    More here:
  • iSteakers
    iSteakers Posts: 45
    Like I said movie theatre popcorn is not healthy, but I was offering a way to make it a little healthier. I honestly could do without popcorn because I'm not a big fan, but my boyfriend loves it and so this is how we do it and again if we budget it we can make it work for all of the nutrition counts and guess high on the counts. :)
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    In the famous words of mermaid man.

    Theater popcorn is EVILLLLLLL!!!!!
  • 1aprilaries
    1aprilaries Posts: 92 Member
    I also try 2 sneak in my own snacks. They charge so so much just to get in the movies & then u pay just as much for some popcorn. I hit the dollar store for the kids candy & drinks.