lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
I'm wondering if something is wrong with me!!! Every time I have carbs I crave carbs all day long! For instance tonight I had 2 oz of pasta and now I am craving chips and sweets! This always happens to me, anyone else? I do understand that when you eat a lot of carbs, you crave them. But I don't, I eat normal portions and balance it with protein and chose whole grains. I never eat white bread pasta or rice.


  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    YES!! Sometimes I really really crave carbs, For me I think it is the texture. But I have been really good at not giving in and it goes away pretty quickly.
  • melissa1217
    melissa1217 Posts: 13 Member
    it happens to me as well so I've tried cutting down the amount of wheat that I use and just use complex carbs in the most basic form, it seems to help. I.e. I'll have brown rice, quiona, barley over whole wheat bread or pasta yet still I an able to eat carbs this way :)
  • kitkat536
    kitkat536 Posts: 27 Member
    It happens to me a lot!! I love my complex carbs and starches! I try to stay away from them or go to snack on something else if they are calling my name. Go for the healthy carbs like fruits... That will satisfy your sweet craving and your carb craving :)
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    It'sjust so annoying iwhen I'm not at all hungry just carb crazyyy!
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    for this exact reason i'm going to be starting a paleo diet next week. it's just not doable for me right now with my current job/kitchen situation but i'm moving home next week to a house with actual space to cook and i'm hoping cutting out all grains (at least for a little) will get this under control. it has to do with blood sugar/insulin spikes, so you get SUPER high blood sugar and then it crashes and you have to eat something similar again, then it gets high again... etc. etc. etc. the worst! even if it's a so-called "good" grain like quinoa and i eat it with the best intentions, soon i'm ravenous and craving cake and cookies and i just feel horrible.
    good luck with your issue! looking into a paleo/grain free diet to kick the cycle might help.
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I decided to give up all bread and baked goods because I feel the same way. But I love chocolate, so drink a lot of diet hot cocoa and sugar free fudgsicles and popsicles, and jello sugar free jello and pudding. Its like being an addict for me, I don't feel satisfied with a little of a complex carb.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Carbs make you produce insulin and insulin makes you crave more carbs it a vicious cycle so I only eat carbs with lots of fiber like non starchy veggies or berries and if I am having a starchy carb like a sweet potato, I have it at dinner so I do not crave them all day.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    for this exact reason i'm going to be starting a paleo diet next week. it's just not doable for me right now with my current job/kitchen situation but i'm moving home next week to a house with actual space to cook and i'm hoping cutting out all grains (at least for a little) will get this under control. it has to do with blood sugar/insulin spikes, so you get SUPER high blood sugar and then it crashes and you have to eat something similar again, then it gets high again... etc. etc. etc. the worst! even if it's a so-called "good" grain like quinoa and i eat it with the best intentions, soon i'm ravenous and craving cake and cookies and i just feel horrible.
    good luck with your issue! looking into a paleo/grain free diet to kick the cycle might help.

    I have been following Paleo/Primal Blueprint for about 2 yrs now and I have lost 82 pounds and the cravings are 99% gone I found out about Paleo when I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy and found out grain sensitivities/allergies could actually make you addicted to them. Weird how our body reacts sometimes to crave the thing that is making it sick.
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member

    I have been following Paleo/Primal Blueprint for about 2 yrs now and I have lost 82 pounds and the cravings are 99% gone I found out about Paleo when I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy and found out grain sensitivities/allergies could actually make you addicted to them. Weird how our body reacts sometimes to crave the thing that is making it sick.

    That is really interesting. It's always wheat that produces the cravings. Hmm I am going to try to cut out wheat and ser how it helps. Thanks.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    it has to do with blood sugar/insulin spikes, so you get SUPER high blood sugar and then it crashes and you have to eat something similar again, then it gets high again... etc. etc. etc. the worst! even if it's a so-called "good" grain like quinoa and i eat it with the best intentions, soon i'm ravenous and craving cake and cookies and i just feel horrible.
    good luck with your issue! looking into a paleo/grain free diet to kick the cycle might help.

    Yes, exactly. It depends on your metabolism. Some people can handle carbs just fine. But others, like me (and it sounds like you too) don't process insulin as efficiently so eating even a little bit of carbs really throws the body off. For us, it's like an addiction, and the only solution is to go cold turkey.
    My doctor did some tests on me and recommended that I keep the carbs at 30 or below and eat at least 50g protein every 3 hrs while I'm awake. I've been doing that for over four months, and it has eliminated all of my problems with mood swings, depression and cravings. Not to mention losing 30 lb. :-)

    Best of luck to you!
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    im a carb *kitten*!! but i eat waaaayyy less now! i still eat some though...i wont cut out pasta or bread out completely...just dont have it EVERY