Diet Soda Drinkers Get Bigger Waistlines (News)



  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I have heard of so many friends/acquaintances that say "I stopped drinking soda or diet soda and lost 10lbs". They all seemed to say 10lbs. When I stopped drinking soda I didn't lose anything. But I did notice I didn't bloat up like I did when I wasn't drinking any sodas at all.

    Now I have one on occasion, but I was big on soda since that was my caffeine. I am becoming a tea drinker mostly now. I still can't tolerate the taste of coffee.

    That was pretty much my point. Diet pop/soda makes me feel bloated. Good reason to quit, this is an even better one. Sheesh.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I have heard of so many friends/acquaintances that say "I stopped drinking soda or diet soda and lost 10lbs". They all seemed to say 10lbs. When I stopped drinking soda I didn't lose anything. But I did notice I didn't bloat up like I did when I wasn't drinking any sodas at all.

    Now I have one on occasion, but I was big on soda since that was my caffeine. I am becoming a tea drinker mostly now. I still can't tolerate the taste of coffee.
    Good for you! I'm not a coffee drinker either so I got my caffeine from diet sodas, like you. I'm not a big tea drinker either...there's just something about hot liquids that makes me cringe. I think the bloating was a big thing for me. I feel thinner & my clothes fit looser even though the scale doesn't reflect anything different.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Interesting article - makes you think about the merits of water over anything else!

    On that note, does anyone/has anyone tried those Vitamin Waters that are available? I'm interested to hear opinions :happy:
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I'm glad I can't stand the taste of diet soda. I cut SODA out of my life and now only drink WATER - Green TEA - & coconut water :)
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Here's my interpretation--people who are heavier ANYWAY are more likely to drink diet sodas because they know they're heavy. What we need is a 12 year study following a few hundred (or thousand) diet-soda drinking heavy folks who quit the sodas. If, with no other changes to their diet or activity level, they LOSE weight, then this would be meaningful.

    For now, I'll drink my diet sodas. As a teen, I lost 135 lbs drinking diet sodas (and kept that weight off for 8 years, still drinking diet sodas), and these days I'm losing at a steady rate with 2-3 diet sodas a day. And 8-10 servings of water daily, of course..

  • alslau02
    alslau02 Posts: 64
    I switched to diet soda when I started MFP and have lost 22 pounds. I must be a freak because I don't get bloated, retain water, or crave sugary foods since I started drinking diet. Actually, my cravings for sugar have decreased since moving to artificial sweeteners.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    I have heard of so many friends/acquaintances that say "I stopped drinking soda or diet soda and lost 10lbs". They all seemed to say 10lbs. When I stopped drinking soda I didn't lose anything. But I did notice I didn't bloat up like I did when I wasn't drinking any sodas at all.

    Now I have one on occasion, but I was big on soda since that was my caffeine. I am becoming a tea drinker mostly now. I still can't tolerate the taste of coffee.
  • agent300
    agent300 Posts: 73
    these diet pop articles are always misleading. diet pop doesn't make people fat. eating too many calories does. could diet pop make you crave sugar? sure, of course, but if you pay attention to what you are eating then there shouldn't be an issue when it comes to losing weight. i drink a lot of water, but i still love diet pop. has not hurt me one bit.

    you're a dude.

    point being what?
  • alslau02
    alslau02 Posts: 64
    these diet pop articles are always misleading. diet pop doesn't make people fat. eating too many calories does. could diet pop make you crave sugar? sure, of course, but if you pay attention to what you are eating then there shouldn't be an issue when it comes to losing weight. i drink a lot of water, but i still love diet pop. has not hurt me one bit.

    you're a dude.

    Probably meaning women retain more water or get bloated or something like that? I don't know how that works for dudes, but I've never heard my husband complain of being bloated. :smile:
    point being what?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I haven't drank soda in several years, diet or otherwise. Water and milk for me.

    1 regular 12oz soda a day will add 15 pounds in a year.
    I'm sure it could if you don't balance it out in your calorie plan, but if you meet your calorie goal and drink one can of soda a day you certainly will not gain any weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    these diet pop articles are always misleading. diet pop doesn't make people fat. eating too many calories does. could diet pop make you crave sugar? sure, of course, but if you pay attention to what you are eating then there shouldn't be an issue when it comes to losing weight. i drink a lot of water, but i still love diet pop. has not hurt me one bit.

    This. And last I checked, I was not a dude, but I do laugh at fart jokes.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I suspect it's just that if you're drinking diet soda, it's probably a regular part of your diet rather than an occasional treat (as regular soda might be for many), in which case you probably also have other non-nutritious and sweet (hence calorie-laden) foods as a regular part of your diet.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I've read several of these studies and it's a correlation. There's no empirical evidence to point to and say, 'because of A, this leads to B.' Most of this research leads to speculation on why. The guesses I bought into the most is the idea that because it's not water, your stomach generates additional acid to process the soda and this somehow leads to feeling hungry. Other theories involve the idea that people justify eating more because they were having a diet soda.

    Instead, look up aspartame if you want a real eye opener. When medical professionals and dieticians are trying to get something banned by the FDA it's not something to be taken lightly. Those articles are biased also, so stay alert.

    A quick search brought me this website:

    I assume is the website of the controversial doctor of the same name, but here's another list of reasons to avoid soda. lol

    All I know is, when I have a soda I feel dizzy and when I have a diet soda I feel like something is burning a hole in my stomach. As the old joke goes, "Doctor I hurt when I drink soda!" The doctor says, "Don't drink soda!"
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I drink regular soda (I dont do artificial sweeteners) and Ive still lost 50lb. Like everything else, I fit it in my calories.. I still drink a ton of water each day as well.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Here's my interpretation--people who are heavier ANYWAY are more likely to drink diet sodas because they know they're heavy. What we need is a 12 year study following a few hundred (or thousand) diet-soda drinking heavy folks who quit the sodas. If, with no other changes to their diet or activity level, they LOSE weight, then this would be meaningful.

    For now, I'll drink my diet sodas. As a teen, I lost 135 lbs drinking diet sodas (and kept that weight off for 8 years, still drinking diet sodas), and these days I'm losing at a steady rate with 2-3 diet sodas a day. And 8-10 servings of water daily, of course..


    ditto. look at my ticker. all done with switching from regular to diet soda.4-6 a day. never drink water. husband gave up ALL soda, still heavy and has type 2 diabetes. He eats too much. I don't.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Did they ref the article? I'm curious as to why they only used an elderly population. They are really not relevant to a young adult population. Still good to drink more water, but the title is a bit misleading.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Agreed - the study doesn't seem to fit the demographic somehow.... I'm dubious from a science point of view!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    When I was in my 20's I actually did stop drinking soda's all together. That was the only thing I changed and I lost about 15 lbs. Since then I have definitely relapsed!! However, now that we have made a lifestyle change I try to stick to just one coke zero a day and the rest of the day I drink water with lemon.

    I have also heard before that lemon is a natural hydrator while caffeine is a natural dehydrator, which is why I drink water with lemon.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Caffeine isn't a dehydrator. It's a slight diuretic in large amounts, but it doesn't dehydrate.