Hello to fellow calorie counters!

I'm surprised at how many people are using this great tool and posting and supporting each other! I started using this on my phone and it really helps me be accountable to me for what I'm eating and what exercise I'm doing everyday.

I have my wedding coming up in September and tried on the dress to find it a bit too snug! I already knew there were some extra pounds hanging around (my middle lol), but that was true conformation since it fit fine when I bought it!

MFP has really helped me track my daily stats and now three weeks later, I'm hoping to start seeing some results.

It's nice to see that I'm not the only one out there!

Good luck to all of you!


  • kyenne
    kyenne Posts: 22
    It really is an awesome tool to use, it has helped me so much! I wish you luck getting ready for your big day just remember we're all here for each other!! :bigsmile:
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    thanks and good luck to you too! its a tough journey this weight loss, we are lucky to all have each other :flowerforyou: