Need advice on muscle pain from weight lifting!!

Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello there, I just started Strong Lifts 5X5 and two days later I'm having pains from doing squats. I did the bar alone 5 reps 5 times. I ran today on the treadmill for my C25K and was great. I ran funny but nothing horrible and I'm tired of letting little aches and pains stop me from my gym time. I'm just wondering if I'm smart to go tomorrow, suck it up, and do my second half of Strong Lifts 5x5 or do I have to push it off? I really don't want to push it off as I want to get serious about weight lifting and really am liking this program. (tired of just mindless cardio)

The pains are the worst when I fold my calf under my thigh to where the quad muscle is getting pulled. (lol, learning actual muscle names in A&P next semester) It's not unbearable but I'm too worried about making this even worse but I want to get over the whole pain to new exercise thing.

My other question is... will I feel like this all the time or will the pain diminish to where I can go down stairs fine and not feel like legs are jello? I want the burning sensation of course as it means I'm working out but I don't want to kill myself either!

Sorry, I'm a noob, but much appreciate the advice if given!


  • ninjahonor
    ninjahonor Posts: 13
    My martial arts instructor always tells me discomfort is fine, pain is not. So, I guess the first question is if you feel discomfort or pain? If discomfort, I would suggest taking 5 or 10 pounds off of your lifts when you go next. If it is discomfort, then keep on as normal but listen to your body. The whole no pain no gain thing is really nonsense. It should no soreness no gain, but you get the idea.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    First of all you need to make sure you are stretching very well when you finish with any type of exercise, second when you finish strenth training you should drink a protien shake or a glass of fat free chocolate milk. Your body needs that protien to rebuild the muscles after strenght training.

    Second I would lay off of the strength training tomorrow and just do cardio, again, make sure you stretch very well afterwards.

    Take a hot bath and maybe some motrin and you should start feeling better in a few days. Yes, a few days.
    Sorry Charlie, I hope you feel better.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    You're just starting a new exercise program so you'll be sore for probably a few days to a week. When I first started my current program I wasn't use to weights this much so I was sore every day for a week until I got somewhat use to it. I pushed through even though I was really sore and Im glad I did. I think you should only put it off if you are in serious pain and its unbearable. Good luck!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    also stretch afterwards. you dont have to stretch before hand, just do a 5 minute light warmup, but definitely stretch afterwards, the major muscles, like a good quad stretch. i always try to do that and when i forget i can feel it a bit. but i suck it up and continue my workout. i find once i warm up, the discomfort goes away, even if i have to modify and maybe not squat as deep.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Bromelain - It's an extract from pineapple, sadly you don't get enough from eating it. It helps your muscles build and recover from exercise. It's best if you use it the day(s) before, of and after exercise. Many people take it daily.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    Stretching is the most underrated part of exercising, let alone weight lifting.

    You want to stretch before, during, and after your workout - Always....

    Additionally, to speed up your body's recovery you may want to consider upping your intake of B vitamins, C vitamins, Fish Oil, and maybe even add a little cinnamon into it to rev up your metabolism. This mix has worked wonders for me personally as a hard-lifter, just thought I would share.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Ok thanks! I think what I'll do since its only the bar and I can't go lower on weight is I will do the bar again and go as far as I can. I can't lift my legs fully as they are completely tight and it's high discomfort to stretch certain ways or go down stairs. Not immense pain like an injury. And its only painful when I use the muscle group. I found I have something called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Thank you for all the responses. :) Sorry Mac froze up. I will definitely stretch more as that is becoming obviously important. And I'm doing 5-10 minute warm ups on the treadmill. I do have protein powder so I will drink that as well. I take a multivitamin but can do the Omega 3 ones I have as well. I eat fish fairly regularily each week so hopefully that helps as well. You all are helping a ton!
  • XDoodlebugger
    XDoodlebugger Posts: 54 Member

    The pains are the worst when I fold my calf under my thigh to where the quad muscle is getting pulled. (lol, learning actual muscle names in A&P next semester) It's not unbearable but I'm too worried about making this even worse but I want to get over the whole pain to new exercise thing.

    My other question is... will I feel like this all the time or will the pain diminish to where I can go down stairs fine and not feel like legs are jello?

    Shooting pain is not good, soreness is part of the game - at least for a while. I tore a rotator cuff a few years ago and I KNEW I was in trouble. When I first get back on track or if I work out really hard I will feel like a rubber noodle for a bit afterwards, and then have some pain the next day or so. I might even put two days between resistance training if I feel I can't do my best with just a one day layoff. After a few months of regular workouts it REALLY takes a lot to get me to feel the wet noodle effect and be sore the next day. So in short, it gets better the longer you go!
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    I agree with everyone about stretching. It's very important. Just make sure not to stretch when your muscles are cold. Do it after working out.

    For the soreness, I like to take hot baths with epsom salt in it. You can buy it at a grocery or drug store. Put 2 cups in the bath and soak for 10-25 minutes. It helps get rid of the soreness.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I most likely will be doing my Couch to 5k tomorrow and lifting on Saturday. Maybe two days is best needed.
  • myranlars
    myranlars Posts: 6
    When doing squats for the first time pain is guaranteed. I do lots of squats, but if I would ride a bike for 20-30 km ( you have a photo of you with a bike) I would probably be in great pain the next day. It takes some time for your body to accept new movements/exercises. Most important with squats is not the sort of pain you are experencing now, it is to learn proper technique and use weights that allows you to keep good form so that you don´t hurt your back once you get stronger. That sort of pain does not go away easy.... It is very common that people do squats and dead-lifts with poor form, so focus on forn and technique.

    But if you have a coach or trainer at the gym he or she probably can give you best advice about your pain (and form). If they can´t advice you, I would search for a person who knows what he or she is talking about.

    Best regards, Lars
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