A little confused, want to make sure Im doing this right...

I'm new to really buckling down and getting in shape! I've never counted calories or tracked my food and exercise but now I'm totally addicted! I just want to know tho, after I exercise, should I re-eat those calories? I thought at first once you eat your fill of calories that's it you can exercise as much away as you can. But that seems like it would deprive the body... any advice and friend requests would be very helpful! Thanks alot!


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Follow the green numbers :) Eat until they reach zero, or close to it. Then you are done!

    Yes, you have the right idea. We want to exercise to build strength and muscle, but we also need to feed ourselves so as not to deprive or cause harm. So eat up the calories that are offered to you once you enter in your exercise.
  • i'm just getting back into the MFP thing, too. but i've learned that some people do eat their exercise calories, and some people don't! it's up to you obviously. if you don't though, doesn't it say that you're "under" your calorie goal for the day?? with a note underneath saying that that could potentially be harmful? i dunno which option is best in the end... but i'm curious as well!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    i'm just getting back into the MFP thing, too. but i've learned that some people do eat their exercise calories, and some people don't! it's up to you obviously. if you don't though, doesn't it say that you're "under" your calorie goal for the day?? with a note underneath saying that that could potentially be harmful? i dunno which option is best in the end... but i'm curious as well!
    Mine didnt say I was under...Just gave "if everyday was like today you would weigh XXX on such and such date"
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    It says you may be doing harm if you eat under you suggested net calories, not if you don't eat your exercise ones. I usually eat some of them back, more on some days, less on others.