College Girl Trying to Lose the Freshman 15 and MORE!

lovelyfacex3 Posts: 68 Member
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Pretty much said it all in the title. I went a little crazy at school this past year ... and I'm suffering the consequences of my actions now. Anyway, I'm trying to lose a bit of weight before I go back and keep going with my weight loss so I can hit a small goal before next summer. Any support and motivation you can provide is appreciated. Looking to make friends and keep the momentum going!! :smile:


  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    yeah - i lost 15 and then gained 20 this year. i'd like to lose between 25 and 30, feel free to add!
  • Ciarn
    Ciarn Posts: 92
    i gain more than freshman 15 too now im tryin to lose it and more
    good luck on ur journey

    feel free to add me :-)
  • ayeraerae
    ayeraerae Posts: 9
    I am on here trying to get rid of 20 lbs that I have already gained this year. Be sure to log in every day and record EVERYTHING that consume. You'd be surprised at exactly what you're putting in your body and it makes it easier keep track.

    Good luck

  • same happened to me! i gained around 20 during my freshman year. now i'm trying to lose it plus another ten! feel free to add me!
  • jamja
    jamja Posts: 190
    Start reading the nutritional chart on food labels from the bottom up. Eat high protien low sugar foods.
    Good luck!!
  • i want 10 off...
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Not to make assumptions about college life, out for the beer! :) A regular 12 ounce beer is around 140 calories, and most light beers are around 100. So if you are on a 1200 calorie limit like I am, 3 beers are a quarter or more of your daily allotment, and not very nutritious! Good luck, and good for you!
  • bdub17
    bdub17 Posts: 9
    What he said, low sugar, low sodium, higher protein, and slow carbs. What do I mean by slow carbs? Carbs that take longer to digest and are more fibrous: brown rice, wheat/whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, oatmeal. Balance your carbs out with protein and thermic fats, which help you digest and causes your metabolism to speed up. Good protein includes: low fat dairy, beans, lean poultry, fish, ostrich, whey, etc. Good fats: Nuts, avocados, coconut oil, coconuts, olive oil, peanut butter, omega- 3.

    Eat 6 small meals a day and you will burn 200 extra calories than by just eating 3 meals. Exercise is also important each day!
    You WILL do it Sarah, I am 100% confident in you!! :)
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I think the hardest thing about college, especially for freshman, is time management! My freshman year, I was in class from 10am-10pm...the only actual "meal" I could eat was breakfast, and by the time you're out of class, all that's open is fast food, which obviously is no good! My freshman year consisted of cereal or pop-tarts for breakfast, and Sonic or Taco Bell for dinner, ugh. I've since learned to eat better breakfasts, pack healthy snacks and bottled water to eat on breaks between classes, and getting quick, healthy dinners, or preparing meals ahead of time to avoid going out to eat, and especially so late. I love this site though, because I record EVERY meal, snack, and drink, so it motivates me for whenever I grab something, to look at the nutritional info, to decide whether or not I want it. :) Good luck with your goal! :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I gained...the JUNIOR 15 :laugh: Our cafeteria sucked the first year, but third year it became the best cafeteria ever...all you can drink Jamba Juice for instance. :drinker: You KNOW I gained 24 pounds xD Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Welcome! You are in the right place! I wish I had this site when I lost my college 15 - getting the wisdom teeth removed and dry sockets, not favorable. Knowing what I know now, eat regular and healthy meals, stay away from soda and fast food, don't eat late and especially don't eat late after going out to the bars. Stay away from fast food. If you drink alcohol, know your drink calories and don't drink them all one night a week. Not that you do that, but we have all been there!
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    SAME! feel free to add...I'll be a junior in the fall and I'm still trying to lost the freshman 15 (which turned into the sophmore 20) haha!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Good luck! There's a thread someone started dedicated to college people trying to get in shape or keep in shape! :) You should check it out!
  • I'm brand new on here! I went from 105 pounds my freshman year of college to 140 my sophomore year without even noticing. It was heartbreaking when I got on the scale and realized what I'd done to myself through beer, pizza, and stress. I lost 10 pounds by cutting out regular sodas and mcdonald's sweet teas. Now, almost 4 years later, I'm ready to lose some more and get strong! Good for you for doing the same!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    I am in the same boat as you :sad:
    I was at my happy weight going into college, but now that I am in my junior year of college I had gained over 50lbs :cry:
    I am trying to get back down to my happy weight with the help of MFP!
  • rstoolmaker
    rstoolmaker Posts: 5 Member
    yup beer is what got me, and soda, and fast food (i work at taco bell so its hard not to eat there), and sweets to tame my stress levels. i wanted to lose 10lbs. i lost around 5 gained that back then gained another 10+ so i'm trying to lose around 20-25 i'd like to spend my last two years of college looking good and feeling confident about my looks and not just my brains lol
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    i am in the exact same boat...the summer before college i was at my healthiest weight ever and then BOOM hello 20 pounds. i lost about half of that as soon as i got home from school for the summer and didn't have the same temptations i did while at school. so now i'm trying to get these last 10-12 pounds off! anyone feel free to add me!
  • lma0423
    lma0423 Posts: 78 Member
    I went into freshman year at 180 lbs (got homesick at the beginning and went down to 170) but once i settled in i gained it all back and by the end of sophomore year (this past may) I was a solid 200lbs. This was my wakeup call. Classes ended the 7th of May and I had started counting calories on the 9th and I haven't looked back. In 3 weeks I will be going into my junior year the same weight (or maybe a little less!) than I was at the beginning of freshmen year :)) I cant wait to continue my good habits at school. The only thing I am worried about is alcohol lol
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Ohhh I know exactly what you mean!! The weight gradually crept up on me throughout college and now I'm trying to lose the 30-ish lbs I gained just sitting there and studying! Ha.

    MFP is amazing and the support here has really made a huge difference in the way I approach weight loss. Feel free to add me, motivation buddies are always a great help!!
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