Hi everyone,

I'm hoping I can do this, and that I didn't set an unrealistic goal... but for me things need to change.

My motivation has been nonexistent lately. Bad food choices, lack of sleep, missed workout, etc. have led to a cycle of depression that gets worse and worse, and the end result is that the numbers on the scale go up, and guess what? Those higher numbers lead to more depression.

I never wanted it to come to it, but I was a fat bride... I am hoping by Halloween (our 1 year anniversary) I wont feel like a disgusting blob.

And good luck to everyone else!

- Stephanie


  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Do you not find workouts help with your depression? Just that I was on anti depressants for years and I am now free of them and I put that down to exercise.

    I am sure you can meet your goal, it is realistic and just think you can play dress up when you hit your goal :)

    Good luck and if you need any support feel free to add me as a friend.
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    Welcome to MFP! Feel completely free to add me as a friend! This site is so helpful, and the people are amazing. It is so beneficial.
  • sunrise84
    sunrise84 Posts: 18
    Hi Finkerton! Welcome to MFP.

    What is working for me (seeing how I have 110 lbs left) is to think of it like this: every time I drop 10 lbs, I'm that much closer. 10 lbs isn't very difficult to lose, and seeing bones in my body that I've NEVER seen is awesome. It, along with feeling good and looking better pushes me further.

    I do hope you'll find the motivation you need to reach your goals.

    Take care.
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member

    Just hang in there and take each day as it comes!

    Yes this is a fantastic site and the results show for themselves. You just have to be brutally honest with it or it'll not be an accurate picture.

    I lost 35lbs in 4months using this site and am still loosing slightly - im now 71.8kgs from almost 90kg!

    Granted some was exercise but without MFP to keep me on track day by day it would not have been possible!

    Look on the health alises for healty versions of yuor fravourite fat foods - my weakness is chocolate and I'm currently on a low carb cycle and came home with such a craving last night and from my local super maket I managed to find a bar with 0.8g of carb!! No suger and 5grams fat - and best think it did the trick and tasted the same!!

    Add me as a friend and together we'll get there one day at a time.....

    I think you need to set yourself a 4 week challange - then committ to it - sure its hard but results are so rewarding when you've had to work to acheive them.

    Remember good health and weight loss is 80% diet 15% exercise and 5% in the mind - personally I think the mind is the biggest think to over come!!

    Don't set your goals too hight at the start either - if your not fit don't jump into a massive gym routine jsut to fail - set your self up for success commit to going for a 30min walk 3 x a week and if you can make it 45 on a Saturday - i lvoe Super Saturdays!!

    I used to be a coach potato, ate way too much crap, binge ate empty calories, drank too much wine/beer and smoked and i'm 26 and was nearly 100kgs at my heaviest.

    Now I gym 5-6days a week cardio/weights and run 10km on a Saturday and I'm rediscovering myself and confidence in myself too!!
  • xxFinkyxx
    xxFinkyxx Posts: 6
    Do you not find workouts help with your depression? Just that I was on anti depressants for years and I am now free of them and I put that down to exercise.

    I am sure you can meet your goal, it is realistic and just think you can play dress up when you hit your goal :)

    Good luck and if you need any support feel free to add me as a friend.

    I do feel better after working out, even if it's just a small walk. I to have been on anti depressants to treat mental illnesses, and those always seemed to make me feel worse.

    I was in a car accident which left me with severe spinal problems, and that leaves me very limited in what I can do to actually workout without causing nerve damage to my legs.

    But on the plus side, I've already seen small changes... I'll just keep pushing myself a little more every day and hopefully get to the point that a two mile walk doesn't leave me bed ridden for three days.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Do you not find workouts help with your depression? Just that I was on anti depressants for years and I am now free of them and I put that down to exercise.

    I am sure you can meet your goal, it is realistic and just think you can play dress up when you hit your goal :)

    Good luck and if you need any support feel free to add me as a friend.

    I do feel better after working out, even if it's just a small walk. I to have been on anti depressants to treat mental illnesses, and those always seemed to make me feel worse.

    I was in a car accident which left me with severe spinal problems, and that leaves me very limited in what I can do to actually workout without causing nerve damage to my legs.

    But on the plus side, I've already seen small changes... I'll just keep pushing myself a little more every day and hopefully get to the point that a two mile walk doesn't leave me bed ridden for three days.

    Have you tried swimming? Not sure if that would be possible for you as not sure what your injuries are like.
    The first time I lost all my weight I swam everyday and that really helped. I a\m sure you can do it.
    I have a very very supportive Dr I see him twice a month and he does my weigh in and gives me tips ect so may be good if you could talk to them and ask if they have any suggestions.