Wanting an Unheathy Goal

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
What do you all think the problem is when I know the goal that I want is unhealthy, but I still want it. I want to reach a goal that I know for my height is not good. I just know that I am not happy where I am. I still feel overweight. I feel a little lost right now.


  • bitterbrownie
    I've been in this position before - which is why at the moment I'm trying to maintain weight if not put a little on. If you have been losing weight, it may be that you've just got used to losing it and now you need to notice the difference and say to yourself "this is a good, healthy weight" and focus on eating healthily rather than to lose weight.

    it's not a real problem unless you;re going to extremes or believe it's something like anorexia. it's important to listen to other people who comment on your weight, especially those who are impartial (e.g. not family or friends) because they are the ones who will speak truthfully and identify if you are seemingly "too thin" or whatever.

    above all, be happy with your weight. if you are slightly underweight, it doesn't matter - as long as you eat healthily, have enough energy, exercise and don't let it control you. good luck! :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    My low goal weight is 80 pounds, but I may stop at 90...I know what you mean. I think it is better to set a too-low goal, and then stop when you feel you have reached a good point...because then it seems like you have more weight to lose than you actually do...and maybe you take losing weight more seriously (ex. if you think you have to lose 10 pounds, but only need to lose 5...maybe you will feel like it is more serious not like "it is just 5 pounds).

    Ahhh I hope I made sense. I'm not recommending an underweight goal to be reached, just to be set if it helps you =)
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    i think the above posters have it spot on - also maybe you could try toning up the areas you're not happy with rather than trying to lose weight. For my part I think you look great in your picture !
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    how low is too low?

    I think as long as its not seriously underweight, then its your own business, and as long as you think youll know when to stop
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    It can be a sign of BDD (bodydysmorphic disorder) - not seeing yourself realistically. It's fairly common in people who have lost a lot of weight (and those with ED's) as it can be hard to adjust to the "new" you and realize what a "healthy" you looks like, when you haven't seen it in a long time (or ever, for some people.)

    It may help to get some counseling to work on how to find the right balance. You've made tremendous changes in your life and your body...may just need some time to let everything settle down.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I know how you feel- I have been there before.

    I lost over 140 pounds in a 3 year period, the business of losing weight becomes your whole life. When you reach a healthy or 'normal' weight the mind takes so much longer to catch up with your physical wieght loss that you begin to think you are still heavy. You goal weight becomes lower, and then lower..... then just a bit lower..... It is a form of BDD as you simply cannot see the new you in the mirror.

    It takes time to adjust- you have to beleive in your accomplishments otherwise you will become obsessed and unhealthy. For me- I became unhealthy and my eating was disordered, which in turn turned into binging and finding myself gaining 80 pounds in 1 year!!

    I wish I had been happy with my original goal and worked on maintenance.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I understand what you mean. While I don't want a goal that is unhealthy for my body, when I reach that goal, I know that I'll prob. still want to lose more because I'm still going to think I'm fat. In fact, I still look in the mirror after my 23 pounds lost and go oh this area is still fat, god my stomach is huge, etc. Then I yell at myself to stop it because I know its not true, but I feel it is.

    I agree with looking into counseling... they can help you talk about what's going on and learn coping methods, so that you don't get sick.