Skin Issues!

So, I recently - in the last week or so, switched up my food intake to include a lot more fruit and veg. I was eating almost none before and instead just cutting calories, but now I am having at least 5 portions a day but my skin has gotten so much worse! Spots and blemishes galore! As well as that, I get pounding headaches. I am eating about 900 calories a day (trying to increase the amount!! I have recently been diagnosed with EDNOS.) but I have been eating about that much for 6-7 months and never had these issues before! Does fruit = unclear skin?


  • carriecarrot
    carriecarrot Posts: 70 Member
    It could be possible that you are consuming more sugar from an increased intake of fruit. I would limit fruit to eating 2-3 servings at most a day. If you are currently not eating more fruit than 2-3 servings, then you might be eating processed sugary foods AS WELL as fruit which could cause skin problems.

    If neither scenario is true, then you visit your dermatologist.

    EDIT: Other factors could also effect your skin. Have you been dealing with a lot of stress lately? Have you increased your exercise, and if so, are you taking showers after your workouts to avoid clogged pores? It also important to note that it is the middle of July, which is one of the hottest times of the year and the heat could make you break out.
  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    Maybe the sugar in the fruit is causing the blemishes. That is my only guess. Headaches could very likely be caused by your low calorie intake. The one day you only ate 700, and have rarely seen you go over 900! You need more than that. I'd try to stay at least around 1200 calories a day.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    I don't think it's the fruit and veg. Acne is mostly hormone/allergy related.

    Have you changed your skin regiment lately?
    You could be allergic to something specific. Maybe note the days your acne gets bad and see what you've eaten.
    I also know that forcing your body to function at a deficient for a long period of time can mess with your menstrual cycle and thus your hormones. Not to get all in your business, but have you been having irregular periods?
    Most importantly, if you have ENDOS, go look at your BMR (on the tools page), basal metabolic rate is how much food your body needs to simply function in one day. Try (I know it's hard) to eat at LEAST that much food. Making your body try to maintain it's functions at less then that could be doing untold harm to your Endocrine system.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Yikes! Never realised how much sugar I was eating until I changed the settings on my diary! And here I thought upping my fruit intake would be beneficial! I assume it would be that and stress yes. And Siobhanbohne, as I said, I am most definitely trying to up my calorie intake! But now I'm stuck because I felt I was doing much better with all this fruit, but I am just adding sugar?! I am going to try 1500 good calories a day but it's getting difficult. But thank you guys for the suggestions <3
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    yep fruit = sugar. Veggies are the way to go. Less calories, good for you vitamins and minerals and low sugar.
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    Since you are focusing on veggies; I have read that orange and purple veggies have shown to help skin the most. :) You might want to also check your cholesterol levels to see if that could be a factor. Hope it goes well!
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    As childish as it sounds, I am not such a veggie fan. I can tolerate carrots, peas, sweetcorn, sweet potato, parsnips but with fruit I can just grab an apple or some strawberries and I'm good to go, but I cannot stand raw veg! Ugh! this is so frustrating!
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    Maybe look into the lower sugar fruits like pears vs the sugar loaded bananas. You might be able to stratigize that way :)