Whats is up with my sugar?.... Advice

I eat alot of fruit during the day and of course it has its own sugar intake.. What is another way i can lower that and keep it that way? In the morning if i dont have time left i will make a protein shake with spinach and fruit and i might eat an apple for a snack.. I have no problem with hitting the gym 6 days a wk for at least 2.5 hrs but it is this darn sugar struggle that i am having. I love fruit so what is another option that i can take?


  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I have a sugar problem too! I guess some fruits must have lower amounts of sugar than others - what kinds of fruit do you tend to eat? Maybe look up a few different fruits on the database and see which ones have the least sugar then go for those?

    I think fruit sugar is definitely "good sugar" though and if you're at the gym 6 days a week it shouldn't be doing much damage, it's much better than sugar from sweets! :)
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    The sugar that is found in fruit is natural.. The sugar you want to be careful of is processed sugar. If you find yourself being over on sugar because of fruit and not because of donuts, cakes, and cookies.. you are fine! I honestly stopped tracking my sugar because I know the apple I ate has a good source of fibre and gives me that 'crunch' and sweet flavour that I crave! Much healthier than eating a package of cookies.