Question for you veterans..

I just started used my Timex Zone Trainer heart rate monitor and after 45 minutes of fairly intense cardio this morning it said I burned 800 calories. I know these are not really "exact" and it differs for everyone but that seems a little high to me. For those of you using a HRM that tracks burned calories, what do you put in to Do you enter the full amount your HRM says you burned or some variation of it? Thanks!


  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    Does that particular HRM have a chest strap? I have a Polar FT7 and I put in the exact amount of calories burned because I trust that HRM. However, I don't eat every last exercise calorie back. That's just me though.
  • Scott156
    Scott156 Posts: 13
    Yes, It does have have a chest strap and works very well. Thanks for the reply....