Ok, I just need to know........

kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
May be a stupid question to some but I am wondering what exactly should i be eating to be considered eating healthy. What kind of foods to eat and what not to eat. Can someone please enlighten me, because i am so confused with this eating thing. I am eating 1200 cal if no exercise and 1600 cals with exercise.


  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Eat this:
    -lean meats and fish
    - 5 + servings of fruit and veg a day( frozen are fine as long as no sauces)
    -8 + glasses of water
    - Low fat dairies,and lots of yogurts (good for the digestive system)
    - High fibre,whole grain,whole wheat foods
    -Healthy fats such as nut butters,egg yolks and avocados

    Not this:
    --Avoid packaged,frozen or takeout meals.
    - Avoid red meats like beef and pork ( let turkey be your new bacon,and hamburger patty)
    -White breads,white pastas,these are made of wheat that has been stripped of its nutrients,bleached and then had nutrients artificially put back in. NOT GOOD FOR YOUR BODY
    - Sugary sodas or excess alcoholic beverages.
    - BAD fats . Ie anything with trans or saturated fats in it. These fats are the kid that stick to you ,right around your midsection.
  • nurse_carolyn
    You can start with "processed foods" and not eating them. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lots of fibre, water......

    Once you start researching this you'll be surprized how many websites you can find to give you more ideas....good luck:)
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    Honestly, I don't exactly know either....so I just go by the nutritional requirements I try to follow for my kids. Their meals should include at least one portion of protein, one portion of dairy, one portion of wheat/grain and two portions of fruits/veggies. We have been trying to do this at every meal. There is a tab under the food part of your diary that will tell you what vitamins and all you are eating and if you are eating enough of them or too few. I usually go way over on my sodium and calcium. :( I hope this helps a little!
  • zohars
    zohars Posts: 29
    I'm not hard-core into health food, so my general rule of thumb is I want most of what I'm eating to come from whole-ish foods I prepared myself (with bonus points for eating lots of veggies, though fruits are not bad either). So, I'll consider an omelet I made with two eggs, some butter, lots of onions, and half a tomato (with me eating the other half as I go) a healthy meal. Of course, lean protein like a chicken breast and a pile of broccoli is healthier, but as long as I'm preparing most of my meals I feel like I'm doing pretty well.
  • tampabobby
    you can't really go wrong with vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. steam your veggies and add seasoning - eat with chicken breast, fish, eggs, turkey bacon... that sort of thing. bake/broil meats with seasoning or sautee in a pan with cooking spray like Pam.

    i also like protein shakes for breakfast - a scoop of whey protein powder with a cup of frozen fruit, water, and a packet of Truvia.

    avoid alchohol, sugars and other simple carbohydrates like chips, crackers, and pasta; and even whole grain carbs unless you know for sure you can lose weight on them. avoid salt and caffeine. get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly (in my experience consistent, moderate exercise is more effective than extreme, infrequent exercise). also avoid watching a lot of TV.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you so much for the responses. It is greatly appreciated. Could really use some more friends also. I fell off the wagon for a wile but have my mind made up and need a support group.
