can't get up in the morning to exercise

Why or why can't i get up in the mornings??? I have the best of intentions to get up around 5:15/5:30ish yet I just can't seem to make it happen more than two to three times a week? I set multiple alarms and manage to snooze right through them??? I get so mad when I wake up and realize what I've done!!! Any suggestions???


  • alsnipes
    alsnipes Posts: 34 Member
    Same way here. I love my blankie and pillow!!!
    I heard or read somewhere, that exercising in the afternoon can be just as good for you than the morning. True, the heart rate boost in the morning is awesome (when i get out of bed to make it happen) but i've always worked out in the afternoon and found the heartrate boost carries me threw the evening, then I CRASH HARD and have some great sleep.
    Don't be discouraged. you'll find a way to get the exercise in : )
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    ugh im the same way! and i used to get up everyday at 5:30 to go to the gym before a commute into the city! but now i just cant do it... its harder when you have someone you love sleeping next to you lol

    maybe get one of those alarm clocks that roll around on the floor so you have to chase it?
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Go to bed earlier :)

    No, seriously, I'm not being snarky. I have to go to bed each night around 9:15 to be able to wake up at 5 AM.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    yup earlier bed time. I go to bed between 830 and 9, and I usually wake up on my own several minutes before alarm goes off at 5, which is a much nicer way to wake up!
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I am not nor have I ever been a morning person. I try over and over to wake that early and what happens to me is a couple times in a row I get up, feel great. Then bam for a week I cant get up and actually get up later than even a regular morning! I dont know what to do about it but if anyone finds a cure let me know! :)
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I do that exact same thing 2-3 times a week. I think I am just going to plan on getting my workouts in the afternoon, so I won't keep getting mad at myself. I guess that way whenever I actually do manage to wake up early and work out it will e a nice surprise. LOL!
  • joyw37
    joyw37 Posts: 38
    EVERY night I set my alarm to wake up at 5am to excercise, and EVERY morning I hit the snooze and sleep as late as possible!! I feel better when I get up and exercise in the morning but it's hard for me to go to bed early since I don't get home till after 6pm. Needless to say, lots of nights, i'm exercising at 10pm lol.
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I just do it.... I don't like it, but I get up every morning during the week at 5am to work out and then on the weekend I sleep in to 630am and get up and work out. It's hard at first, but once you get into a routine it gets easier....or at least it is for me. For me it's just knowing I have to. Good Luck. You can do it. Good Luck to you! :smile:
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 553 Member
    agree with going to bed earlier. It absolutely makes a difference. Try standing up to turn your alarm off.... then convince yourself that once you are standing you have to keep going. I'm sometimes half asleep and literally stumbling into my workout clothes... but I'm standing so I keep going....
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    ugh im the same way! and i used to get up everyday at 5:30 to go to the gym before a commute into the city! but now i just cant do it... its harder when you have someone you love sleeping next to you lol

    maybe get one of those alarm clocks that roll around on the floor so you have to chase it?

    Is there really such thing?? That sounds hilarious. And yes its harder to go to bed erlay and wake early when you have someone you love...
  • Kowalskikm
    Kowalskikm Posts: 4 Member
    I started having the same problem after about a month of morning work outs. I just lost motivation. To counter the problem I found a gym buddy. If I know that someone else will be at the gym waiting for me then I don't over sleep! An added bonus of working out with other people, you work harder and end up burning more calories!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I used to be the same way - but since forcing myself to wake up in the morning to workout, I have felt AMAZING!

    And, the more I do it, the easier it gets!

    Like seriously, it's only been a week and I didn't have to workout this morning because of a planned day off and I actually missed it. That's really not like me.

    Make yourself get up, drink some coffee and get your sweat on!
  • CarterLakerGirl
    I'm with the majority, cannot get myself out of bed either, eaiser for me to go in the evenings, and it is usually quiet around the gym anyways.
  • sueozzy
    sueozzy Posts: 68 Member
    Find a friend that will meet you at your house and bang on the door if needed!
  • JKKeithline
    JKKeithline Posts: 6 Member
    I have converted from night owl to early bird for exercise day goes so much better when i get the exercise done first thing....middle of the day I think, ugh i have to run...oh wait, I already did! Instant mood lifter. Plus, it is HOT by 8 AM, so the few mornings I have lingered in bed I have really paid for it during my runs. Sad part is, there is a lot of truth to earlier bed time, which is frustrating to my husband who is still a night owl.
  • saydee3
    saydee3 Posts: 34 Member
    I have the SAME problem, especially since my husband is going to be able to sleep for another hour while I am up at 5:30am. I just have to tell myself you got fat because you didn't want to workout. If you want to change, then you have to get up. I have to psych myself up to remember why I'm working out and how good I'll feel after.

    I've found though it's easier for me to do 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 in the morning, then run after work on the treadmill. The Jillian Michaels DVDs are only about 25 minutes, so if I get up at 5:45 I still can get my workout in with enough time to eat breakfast and get ready for work. I don't have to leave my house, I can keep the weights and mat in my living room, so all I have to do is turn the TV on and I'm ready to workout. If I had to go to the gym in the morning I'd never do it.

    Also, try moving your alarm clock away from you. If it's on the dresser and you have to get up to turn it off, then you'll be out of bed which is more than half the battle. I've shut my alarm off before without even realizing it in my sleep. I'm starting to get in a routine of getting up at 5:30 so it's getting easier.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Oh yea. That's not gonna happen for me. I've tried and failed so many times. I've finally embraced that I'm just not a morning person. It's not gonna happen. I wish I could. But I can't. It's against my religion to wake up before the sun.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Go to bed earlier and move your alarm across the room so you physically have to get out of bed to turn it off.

    That works for me!
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    I tried that at first too but I need my 6-7 hours of sleep. My body will not function properly if I didn't get it. I do wake up 2-3 minutes before my alarm with no problem but I need to be in bed before 11:30. I can change my lifestyle up and got to bed earlier and workout in the morning but I like going straight the gym or outdoors for my training straight from work.

    When I hit a plateau with my training then I will add a workout here or there in the morning. Change is good.
    The people saying to go to bed earlier are right. When I do workout in the morning I am in bed by 10.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I've tried getting up at 5 am to workout... It's just doesn't happen. I just workout when I get home from work.