
Jenni_pants Posts: 1
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
I fear I may have "fallen of the wagon" so to speak. I have not gained any weight but I have reached a plateau. I am trying to get down to 130 lbs by september. I have a fairly regular workout routine but my eating habits are a mess. Any words of advice are welcome! :embarassed: :embarassed:


  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    First change workout...and longer...more cardio...good eating helps to.....
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I have been changing one meal at a time. Breakfast was the easiest for me to change but find a couple easy meals that you know youd like and that are healthy and only buy those and eat them everyday. For me it became habit. Then change something else. I usually dont worry as much about what Im having for dinner and just watch my portions. I think change happens best in small incriments.
  • camille97
    camille97 Posts: 91
    Is your diary public? This would make it easier for us to help you.
    Get all of the junk food out of your house and avoid eating out.
    Focus on eating fruits,veggies, meats (protein) and keeping clean diary.
    By clean diary that means no prepared meals or anything of the sort.
    Allow yourself a treat once in a while, low cal, like skinny cow ice-cream, so you don't feel deprived and start eating all of the crap like crazy.
  • dboyd1981
    dboyd1981 Posts: 5
    Not sure what your "weakness" foods are but I started working mine into my diet so I do not feel deprived, only I add it in healthy ways. I used to love ice cream so I eat it now but choose to go with weight watchers ice cream at Walmart. I love soft drinks so I also drink coke O along with my daily water. I work all these in as part of my snacks for the day and still stay in my Calorie range and go to the gym. I have not lost alot of weight yet but its because I have gained alot of muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. This could be another reason you plateaued, you may be a muscle machine now :smile:
    Dont give up your doing great!
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    My weight loss dramatically slowed for about a month, but it looks like it picked up again. I stopped cheating (as much) and I added some more cardio workouts. I cycle and spin, and I added some morning rides to work on intervals and sprints instead of just doing the weekly club ride and my normal spin class 2x/wk..
  • raerie81
    raerie81 Posts: 7
    I am sure you know by now that each person is different and that what works for me may not work for you. But since you asked for our two cents :)
    I really found that I have to develop a routine for eating NO matter what my day looks like. That means I have 3 standard meals and keep up with logging on here. I was one of those ANTI loggers but since I use this on my Blackberry and Itouch it has become easier. I also allow myself 1-2 days a week where I don't log. That doesn't mean I am eating whatever I want I just am not being crazy about counting the calories. This helps me because it gives me my freedom. I hate anything that makes me feel trapped in a cycle of dieting and journaling.
    That being said I find that logging now after doing it consistently since March has gotten easier. The eating routine is still something I have to work at to make routine. I have always admired Oprah and her willingness to be honest and one of the things she said was "I will never diet again" . I feel the same. I watch the calories, I take in better food (produce, lean meat, water) but I refuse to follow a diet. the way my mind works...well it just wont under those circumstances.
    I also don't know how much you like to read but I HIGHLY recommend the book A Course in Weightloss by Marianne Williamson. It might kick start you in a way you didnt expect. Because after all the MENTAL aspect is a HUGE part in this journey.

    Good luck and seriously make sure to reward yourself for your progress so far.
  • kendah
    kendah Posts: 17 Member
    Not gaining is a battle in itself so, I would not say you have fallen off the wagon. Plateaus happen. I can tell you what finally got me past mine. I switched up my workout routine. I did not lose a lb for a year because my workouts were exactly the same and my diet was a mess. I stayed within 7 lbs of loss. I have recommitted myself to my diet and added p90x to my running routine and in 10 days I lost 8 lbs. I had to do something to rev things back up and P90x seems to be doing the trick. I know the weight loss will slow down but I had to do something to get over the hump. With the help of this site is tracking calories is easier for me now. Anyway, just thought i would share what is working for me. We are all in this together, right? =]
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