Running advice.



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Ok, my boyfriend and I have decided that we are going to start training for a half marathon that is coming up in April 2012. I have done the half marathon before a couple years ago mainly walking it. I have never been a runner, and am worried a bout a couple things (other than completely embarrassing myself in front of said boyfriend):

    1. Is it possible that there are people that just can't run no matter how hard they try?
    2. Are there ways to get excited about running to motivate you?
    3. What is the best pre-running food (I seem to get different answers with whichever site I go to.)
    4. How do you stop from getting that stupid catch in your side?
    5. How old is too old for your shoes?

    Any other advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

    1. Unless you've got a handicap than no.
    2. I started a thread the other night and some people had hilarious responses, sometimes the silly things are what get you running!
    3. I have no idea.
    4. I suggest c25k as a starter program (, water but not too much of it (helpful right? sorry.)
    5. shoes go by miles not months...
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    1. Unless there's a medical reason, I think just about anyone can run. I don't think everyone will enjoy it though! I do agree with Mike, however...the only way to get comfortable running is by running.
    2. Everyone who becomes a runner has their own reasons/motivation. I used to hate it, but now I love it. I'm not sure what changed though. Part of it is that I figured out that many of the beliefs I had about runners and running were flat out wrong. For example, I used to think that distance running meant running as hard as you could for as long as you could until you dropped from exhaustion, and that over time you'd get better at it because that was pretty much what being in track in high school was like for me. It's not like that at all! I *HIGHLY* recommend the book "The Courage to Start" by John Bingham. I also recommend having a planned but flexible running schedule and setting smaller goals between now and your marathon. C25K has worked well for me, but there are others.
    3. I'm finding that a light meal that contains whole grains and a little protein works for me about an hour or so before my run. Half a bagel with almond butter, oatmeal, or yogurt and some cereal for example. Bananas also work well for me as a pre-run food. Apples...not so much. I'm not a marathon runner though, so maybe running longer distances would change what I could eat. I also find that I need a snack soon after I run. Some of the same foods seem to work for me then too - a banana and a handful of nuts works great for me.
    4. Concentrate on proper breathing. My son recently started running with me sometimes and he had an aweful time with side stitches until he figured out how to breathe deeply and regularly. When he gets tired he breathes more shallowly and gets side stitches again. This might help:
    5. Everybody's different. It can depend on lots of factors - how much you weigh, how hard you are on your shoes, what surface you run on, how many miles you run, etc.
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    I like to breathe deeply through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I inhale for three counts and exhale for three counts. When I'm really stressed or pooped, this structured breathing really helps me (count 1-2-3-1-2-3 over and over).
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    Body glide is my saving grace! It's sort of like a deodorant consistency that you apply wherever you experience chaffing. You can find it at any sporting good store for around $7-10.
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    1. Is it possible that there are people that just can't run no matter how hard they try? I think most anyone who wants to run can do it if they don't give up..take rest days to revcover especially when you are first starting!

    2. Are there ways to get excited about running to motivate you? i think the goal of your half marathon is a great motivator!! :) the way you feel after you have a decent run can give you a "runner's high",too! you'll see! You don't have to run fast to achieve this!

    3. What is the best pre-running food (I seem to get different answers with whichever site I go to.) oatmeal!! if you have some time to digest..if not a banana is also helps with perceived that's always good! :wink:

    4. How do you stop from getting that stupid catch in your side? pace yourself and warm up..a good breathing pattern helps, too.. try4 counts in 4 counts out

    5. How old is too old for your shoes? everyone is different..depends how often you run..usually 3-6'll feel them getting hard and not so cushion-y

    Any other advice would be GREATLY appreciated! there are a lot of sites out there to help walkers start running! look for them!! walk for 5 min, run for 1..etc...they say this really helps!! don't feel bad walking/running! it is like HIIT training! (High Intensity Interval Training..) and that annihilates calories!! :happy:

    Good LUCK!!!
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Body glide is my saving grace! It's sort of like a deodorant consistency that you apply wherever you experience chaffing. You can find it at any sporting good store for around $7-10.

    Thank you thank you thank you! I'll be investing! Also, I love the vino...happy friday!