Gazelle and or Total gym

Do any of you use the Total gym or the Gazelle? I bought the gazelle and get a good sweat up with that but I am thinking of getting the Total work out gym. Any thoughts on these two machines? I just can't seem to get motivated to use the gazelle but still love it. Any hints on how to get started?


  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    i have used the gazelle and didn't feel i got a good enough work out from it,
    i have heard great things about the total gym though.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I felt the same on the gazelle, just seemed like I wasn't doing much or working very hard.. It is not a very intense workout for sure.
  • Ginger1384
    Ginger1384 Posts: 42
    I use the gazelle with my Wii Fit
  • FatMungki
    FatMungki Posts: 3 Member
    Beware of the Total Gym. I permanently injured my knees doing squats on that thing. The platform is at the wrong angle so that your knees overshoot your feet and will blow out your knees. I was hobbling with braces on both knees and ankles which became messed up as a result of the knee injuries for over two years. I couldn't walk up or down stairs, hills, can't run to this day, almost had to get a cane. You're better off using light free weights or using body weight resistance exercises.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I LOVE my Total Gym! I don't use it for squats though, like the above poster. I use it mostly for arm & ab work. I will admit I haven't used it in awhile, more cuz I don't have time (and it's too frickin' hot!) My only dislike is it's big! I have a small house so it's folded up & it is a hassle to get it ready to use. If I could have it set up 24/7, I would be on it all the time!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    the Gazelle doesnt have a resistance setting or much of one so for some it doesn't give them enough. For others it works great and it is less expensive than most ellipticals. Sounds like it works for you. I know people that it has been great for but they did have to use it regularly. Maybe get in a challenge group on the boards. I am in a 100 mile challenge this month but some are doing it on tread mills or ellipticals. If the Gazelle doesn't give you a distance then estimate it by the time spent on it. It is motivating to be able to report to a supportive group how many miles or minutes you did each time. I keep an excell chart of my inches lost, my number of minutes running in my walk/run intervals I do. I try to up the minutes at least each week. Set up a realistic but challenging goal for a period of time and try to meet it. If you don't find a group report it to your MFP friends yourself. Tell them your goal and then report your progress towards your goal. You can even post it below your exercise update. Let me know if you need some support.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Do any of you use the Total gym or the Gazelle? I bought the gazelle and get a good sweat up with that but I am thinking of getting the Total work out gym. Any thoughts on these two machines? I just can't seem to get motivated to use the gazelle but still love it. Any hints on how to get started?

    I'd say Total Gym or an Aero Pilates with rebounder.

    The Gazelle might be appropriate for someone who has been completely sedentary for a long time, but only at the very beginning of their introduction to exercise and they'll soon outgrow the machine.

    The Total Gym and the Aero Pilates machines provide a much wider range of exercises; can be used for progressive resistance and for cardio, depending how you structure your workout; and will be useful through quite a progression of fitness.

    *note* I have an Aero Pilates with rebounder.
  • lindahavard
    I just gave my total gym to my grandaughter's boy friend , i have a bad shoulder and it hur to much to use it but i if you use it it will
    Be a fun work out with some great music in the back ground and use the cards and dvd that comes with it because you can do more harm than good
  • rmworthem
    Hate to bring this topic back up but I just got back on here. There has been so much going on and no exercise whatsoever. :(
    I just wanted to thank your for replies to my post. You all have been very helpful.