Survey for RUNNERS: Do you listen to music?



  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I more often than not listen to music, but it’s absolutely not required. I generally prefer it for long runs, but find it distracting if I’m doing speedwork. When I listen, I am sure to use my crappy headphones, for two reasons: 1) I can hear the environment around them, and 2) if my form starts to slide and I start to bounce, they immediately fall out of my ears. :smile:

    I didn’t listen to music when I exercised in my youth because my walkman drained batteries like crazy. When I finally got a discman, it skipped like mad. Not only that, but I was a competitive swimmer, so I was used to silent workouts. No underwater music players back then – at least not any that I could afford. (I didn't start running seriously until my late 20s, but I did do some running as crosstraining for swimming or martial arts.)

    Instance where running music can throw off a workout: I was in the last few minutes of a tough run, and I wanted to rev my engine and pump hard, but then this soft and dreamy soundtrack from a movie came on, haha. I thought, “well, at least it will be good for my cooldown in two minutes,” but by that time, another song had started…very difficult to cool down to Justice – Stress. :laugh: Why couldn’t those two songs have been switched? (Without the pain of having to dig my player out of my shorts and unlock it and all that, that is.)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I ran a little in high school but had a bad knee even back then so I dropped it. However, I did bike everywhere and always had my cassette walkman (hehe, dating myself) hooked on my back pocket.

    Just started running again last year at age 36 and I never listen to music. Might have the TV on if I'm the only one in the gym but I don't even really look at it, I just have it for noise and mostly stare into space when I run. When I run outside, I don't like the idea of having anything over my ears because I'm in a high traffic area and want to know what's going on around me, just in case. Although, even if I wasn't in a high traffic area, I wouldn't listen to music, I like to just zone out.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    On the treadmill yes, outside, no. I listen to music while on the treadmill only because my other option is to see my pathetic dog laying next to me snoring and farting. I'd rather hear music than that. It's bad enough I have to smell him. Way too many runners (I live right by an international airport - no matter what time of the day there is always a ton of traffic) get hit these days even if they have it low enough, and pay good attention. Face it there are too many drivers out there with road rage, and people always in a rush - you're life is more valuable than a couple hours of music while you run, IMO. Oh, and I never ran in my life until I had my third son at the age of 26 (about 10 weeks post-op).
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I enjoy listening to music while running but its not a necessity.

    Outdoor running I only listen to music if running on a track or a trail at the park.
    If street running I don't listen to music, I want to be able to hear my surroundings, especially vehicle traffic!
    If running a competition I definitely wouldn't want the music.

    I ran in high school. And I ran for exercise through college. Got away from it for a few years and gained 40lbs (knee problems didn't help). Now I am back to running regularly and may be enjoying it the most I ever have in my life.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    On my shorter runs (less than 5 or 6 miles) no, I don't listen to music. But anything longer than that, and I need the distraction.

    I don't listen to music on the 1/2 marathon races, because I want to be aware of those around me.

    I started running 3 years age 39! Ran my first half marathon at age 40. :happy:
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I generally listen to NPR podcasts or an audiobook. Once in a while I listen to some random music or a Podrunner download music mix.

    I trained for my first marathon without any music, specifically to build mental endurance :-)

    I NEVER have any earplugs in during a race... that is just dangerous and would really take away from the race experience, I think.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I'm really enjoying the answers. My theory isn't necessarily very accurate, but these answers are very eye-opening for me. Not as black-and-white as I originally thought. Thanks everyone.
  • Yes! I listen to music both ways! I hate running in the gym but in the winter it is a necessity ):
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I have found that when I'm trying to train in a certain zone listening to music really messes me up. I can't focus on pace. So, I've started listening to audiobooks. That way I'm less distracted, I can focus on the rhythm of my feet instead of music and I also have something to listen to. Also, I'm training for the NY Marathon and many people say you don't want to listen to music and miss all of the great stuff going on like bands and the crowds. I don't want to get so dependent on listening to music that I won't know what to do without it.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I like to listen to music while I run. I just LOVE music and I don't get to listen to it very much anymore unless I'm running. I mainly like it for my long runs when I'm alone. I don't NEED it, I just like it. For my last race, however, I gave up the iPod because sweat gets into my ear and makes the music sound like crap and I end up fighting the earpiece rather than enjoying the music. I also gave it up because I wanted to focus more on my breathing.

    I was a sprinter runner as a kid - very athletic and very fast. I didn't start distance running until last February. I'm 42 for what it's worth.

    I haven't read all the other posts yet...interested in what others have to say on the topic! :o)
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I do listen to music; but I can and have run without just fine. I mainly have the music to drown out the sounds around me so I can enter my head. I know it sounds odd, but I don' really "listen" to the music; it's just there. Only when I run long distances (10+) do I start to pay attention to the music. Interesting theory you have!
  • monjet13
    monjet13 Posts: 40 Member
    I just started the C25K program

    I run on the streets around my neighborhood and there.....I don't know the right word for it ... I guess you would say they have a steep slope so if I run on the side I end up running with one leg hitting the ground funny, an uneven stride, and it kills my hip. there isn't much traffic but I need to know when a car is behind me so I can move over. also I run with my dog witch is great but she is leash reactive so I have to pay attention. I think if I ran without my dog and on a track or on trials I might give it a try.
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    I'm a new runner (about 6 months), I run outside, and I listen to music. I started without it, but I have asthma and I found that hearing myself breathe would freak me out, so the music over-powered that. I've never tried it without since that point... might have to give it a try.
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    I don't listen to music for a variety of reasons. If I am outside, I enjoy listening to the sounds of birds and things like that. For safety reasons, I also want to listen for cars or in case someone is coming up behind me to do me harm.

    IN the gym, I don't either...mainly because I don't feel like carting an ipod around. I prefer to zone out and clear my head and focus on my running goal for the day.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    It depends upon the goal of that particular run. I started running again in February (used to run in XC in HS 20 years ago). When I started running again I used a podcast on my mp3 player. I needed the music for the run/walk cues during the program. I still run to music for interval training (faster/recovery cues).
    For my LSD days I run without music, or if I am trail running (like a pp wrote). I like to listen to music on other runs, but it isn't essential, but a nice distraction.
    I always run with one earbud in and one earbud out so I can hear everything going on around me.
    I have a rockin' podcast that I use during my 5K races to pump me up and keep me powered up until the finish line. I only listen to that podcast during a race....
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    Also, I ran as a kid. In fact, I held the 50 yard dash record for my elementary school for 10 years - hehehe (I'd like to beat up the punk who broke it)!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Just started running in March, and yes, I run with music. Don't need to, don't always, and when I am out with others, even if we are spread out on the trail, I never have my earbuds in. The funning thing is, I was never a music person either. Never in my life was I the type to have music on in the house, or by cds, even concerts were something I did strictly the social aspect.

    Now I love both running and music.

    Don't think I would have carried a large walk man though, I hate having anything bounce on my body. Had to force myself to get used to my iPhone armband, it is saftey as I am often out on isolated trails alone. That I get to use it for music and runkeeper is a bonus.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I also think that "new" runners have the better...smaller mp3 players making listening to music while running easier. I use to not listen when I was younger, carrying a bulky walkman didn't appeal to me.

    I hated the bulky Walkman hanging on my shorts so I used to run holding it in my hand. But in kind of evened out since many times I had a retractable dog leash in the other and they weighed about the same. :laugh:
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I started running right after my 24th birthday, so it's been almost a year now. I really love listening to music while I'm running. Helps me keep my pace up so that I don't find myself slowing down, since I listen to fast paced music. I can run without, but I prefer with.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    So I'm putting it out there to you "RUNNERS".... do you listen to music while running? If I am running by myself, YES! With friends or in a race, NO!

    Do you NEED to listen to music to get through your run?
    same as above

    And the big question.... At what age did you formally start "running"?
    I started running shortly before I turned 28...2 years ago :)