introducing myself


My name is Ali, and I am on a slow path to losing weight. Due to medical issues and being at high risk for a few medical conditions, my doctor and I have talked about losing weight and making realistic goals.

I've fallen off the wagon quite a bit, and this has caused me to yo-yo my weight for many years. I have two main issues that I need to battle in losing weight: 1) I'm a stress eater/non eater; and 2) I love food.

According to my BMI, I'm considered obese. I think that I am overweight, myself, and from going up and down the scales at various times in my life, I think I feel my best when I weigh between 150-155. Right now, I have teeter-tottered between 175 and 179, and have reached a weight plateau. I've been a size 3-4 before, and I don't look proportioned or healthy, although the BMI reading would contend that being 130 lbs would be my ideal weight at 5 foot 2.

I think my main goal is to fit the clothing I have (nicely into a true size 10 or 12, no bulges, no tires, no magic buttons needed), and maintain a healthy and realistic weight. When I spoke to my doctor, and she expressed her concerns, she made these following suggestions that I'll share with you:

1) Start with one exercise you like, and make small, realistic goals. Once you reach the goal, and have been consistent for about a month, add one more exercise you like. Continue until you are exercising at least 3 times a week.
- For me, this has been walking for at least 20-30 minutes, and taking my dog along so we both get exercise, and committing to this at least once a week. So far, so good. I'm one month and a 1/2 into walking once a week.

2) Start changing your favorite snacks to healthy snacks. For example, if you like Cheetos, switch to baked Cheetos.
- For me, this has been chips. I did start adding more fruit snacks and nutty bars, and less cookies, more nuts and dried fruits than reaching for chips, and using the Crystal Light type packettes to add to my water over my beloved ginger ale. I tried the PopChips, and I'm not sold, so I get baked Lays or baked Herr's.

3) Stop adding salt, because salt turns to water and water can make you bloated and retain weight. Try seasonings without the added salt.

4) Keep drinking water. Lots of it.

5) You must eat breakfast.

6) DON'T GET DISCOURAGED IF YOU DIDN'T MEET YOUR GOALS. Just start over and forgive yourself. Don't expect the weight to just fall off. You will need to work on it, and be ok with yourself that it will be gradual.

7) Don't give up. Your health is important and you depend on your body. If the first "thing" didn't work, try something else. The key is to like the exercise and food choices you are making so you can conitnue eating them and incorporating more healthy ones moving forward.

8) A scale is a good idea, but sometimes people have high expectations that a scale just dashes down when the pounds don't come off as fast as you think they should. Weigh yourself weekly or monthly to see results.

9) Try to eat until your full not stuffed.

10) Don't deny yourself dessert; but instead make it a goal treat. Treat yourself when you have reached a goal and you will appreciate the treat more, and not feel bad about a couple of oreos or the cup of ice cream. Just remember not to go "hog wild" (yes, my doctor said that!).

This has been a difficult journey for me, and yes, I am taking baby steps. However, I'm hoping that using the features of this site/application will help me to see my progress visually, and also help me make better decisions about healthier eating.

I'm going on Monday to do a follow up visit and see where my weight is. I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing.

I hope those tips help you as well, and good luck to all of you making the changes to be healthy.


  • Welcome! I'm new to the boards as well :) Chips are my enemy as well!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi Ali! :) Thanks for posting the tips...and welcome! I'm new here, too. I've sent you a friend request. I actually didn't know about the salt tip...but it makes me glad that I don't like salt to begin with, so I don't use it unless a baking recipe specifically calls for it!