What was your breaking point?



  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    For me it has been various things..
    1. I've put up with bad abusive relationships where I felt unwanted and needed because that's the best I thought I could do ..
    2. My kids are teenagers now and I lost out on so much because I couldn't be active I was in to much pain..
    3. Im going to be 40 this year I don't want to look like im 20 years old than what I really am

    4. The biggest thing that finally made it click though is when I was trying on a pair of jeans and realized the size I thought I was didn't fit anymore so I was looking in the mirror and didn't recognize the person looking back at me.. I just sat in the dressing room in tears.. and I started exercising that day!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    You are doing awesome - ALL of you - Remember - the breaking point doesn't have to be a big one (was just being honest) it just has to be the big one for US! We are all incredibly wonderful people inside and we just have to be willing to let the world see that - we hide it because of how we looked on the outside - I was done - I wanted my kids to look at Dad as Superman - and now I have a 2x shirt that was once 3 sizes too small that I wear because of it :)

    We are all winners inside, we just have to find those things that add up to the big reason to change.
    I'm proud of every one of you on here for doing it - for your honesty - and for the motivation you provide!!!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    You are doing awesome - ALL of you - Remember - the breaking point doesn't have to be a big one (was just being honest) it just has to be the big one for US! We are all incredibly wonderful people inside and we just have to be willing to let the world see that - we hide it because of how we looked on the outside - I was done - I wanted my kids to look at Dad as Superman - and now I have a 2x shirt that was once 3 sizes too small that I wear because of it :)

    We are all winners inside, we just have to find those things that add up to the big reason to change.
    I'm proud of every one of you on here for doing it - for your honesty - and for the motivation you provide!!!

  • dunsu47
    dunsu47 Posts: 13
    For me it happened after I had a hip replaced. I had a problem at home post op and had to go to the ER. The responders had to call for back up to get me in the ambulance. One of the gals tried to make light of it by saying she had not eaten her wheaties that day. I looked at her said " Don't you make excuses for me, you do not force me into eating what I put in my mouth!' She understood and at that moment do did I. That and the early death of a dear cousin due in part to weight issues made me realize I did not have to die an early death...the road is not an easy one, but we can do it..." Making some changes.. all for the good...making some changes..won't be misunderstood. Making changes..just for me.. making some changes yes siree!"
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Love this thread!

    Mine was when I went wedding dress shopping for the first time. I was so excited to go, had my maid of honor and mother in toe, everyone in high spirits. But quickly my heart broke as I could hardly fit in any of the floor dresses and when I did, I hated the way I looked. It was depressing, how was I supposed to feel beautiful and find that "perfect dress" when I couldn't look past my body?

    Good news is, I dropped a few pounds, went out again and found the perfect dress! However, kind of plateaued until I started this website - back on track now though, 7 lbs down and I know I can lose more before the big day! I WILL feel beautiful walking down that aisle!
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    When my scale said 200.
    I would always kid myself and said well at least I'm not 200. I'm not there yet. But then I got there it was a shocker. I refused to eat for like days when I got on the scale a couple of days later and it said 207. My weight would have just kept going up if I didn't do something about it.