couch to 5k



  • Chemmy
    Chemmy Posts: 23
    I never liked running when I was younger but I can run a 5K now (but not fast, yet) which is 4 weeks since I started running.

    I started with a 1 mile route near where I live, if you can try this on the flat and not hills like I did all the better. My first 'run' was more of a 200 yard jog, 200 yard walk, 200 yard jog, etc. I was so hot at the end I thought I was going to collapse (I gave up smoking 10 months ago). I tried again the next day and ran a bit more of the route. Slowly I built up to a complete run or the route within the week.

    Over time I have build up my running and have managed a 5K I have also ran a 8m 18s mile which for me is amazing. I am getting quicker every week.

    I have 2 main circuits, my 1 mile hill run circuit (road) and my coastal run (flat road) which I know where the mile markers are. I swap between them depending on the weather.

    I have an iPhone and use Nike+ GPS which keeps a log of all my runs and times. It uploads to the Nike site as well so you can see how you are doing. They also have various challenges and start with a power walking level all the way up to "There is no way I will be able to run that distance" level.

    However you decide to do it take your time and build up, warm up at the start of a run and stretch at the end, keep hydrated and get some decent running shoes. Sorry but I can't say anything about asthma.

    Good luck.
  • kvnpoole
    kvnpoole Posts: 4
    My wife and I started not too long ago. She just finished week 4 and I just finished week 1. We are loving it! Neither one of us are runners. ( I ran cross-country in high school, but that was ages ago) Keep going! I am so looking forward to finishing and being able to go for a run 3-4 times a week. Really clears your head and you feel great afterward.
  • amazing_grace♥
    I've just started it again this week. The first time I tried, I didn't have the right kind of shoes, the second time, I "tweaked" my knee, and now that I've lost about 30 pounds, with my knee feeling better, I've started it again. This is my first week back at it, and I'm excited to be able to run more than one minute without feeling like I'm gonna die!! Haha. I have a Droid phone and got the free app that interjects the C25K program into whatever music im listening to on my phone.... I LOVE IT! It's called ExerTime and it's FREE! I've never had any trouble with asthma (Thank the Lord!) and just wanted to say "go for it:! Best of luck to you!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Who has done it? I have just finished week 3 tonight.

    Tell me more about it? You start by running, then walking, the running times gradually get longer.

    What did you like or not like about it? I like using the "get running" app. I like how fast I'm making progress

    If you have never run before (unless chasing the ice cream truck counts) is it easy to start, continue and see results? I'm nearly 50 and have never done any running before, except under duress at school! If I can do it, anyone can!

    What if you have asthma (controled by meds), it is still easy enough to do? sorry don't know

    What about only running outside (no access to a treadmill)? I don't have one either, it's great getting outside. I run in a local common, and enjoy the scenery as I run.

    Do it! You'll love it!!
  • Dabber1958
    I just finished Day One using the BlueFin iPhone app. None of my statistics were recorded. Very disheartening. Do you need to purchase the in app GPS to record the statistcs like distance, pace, calories burned automatically? I also have Nike + which I understand you can run in the background. Can anyone give me advice? I want it to be accurate and if I record it manually, I am afraid it won't be. Thanks for any help!!!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    Do you need to purchase the in app GPS to record the statistcs like distance, pace, calories burned automatically?

    I use the RunKeeper Pro app - it's free and you can set it up for the intervals you want to run on the given week. It will track your pace, GPS distance and give you coaching advice. In the background you can play your own WO/running music :)
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    I guess I'll just add to this even though I might be a bit repetitive :-p

    I started the c25k not being a runner. At all. Like, the 60 seconds at the beginning were so hard and I was feeling ridiculous at getting winded after only one minute while all these runners were flying by me probably on their hour long runs. But, I kept to it. I personally never repeated any days.. I felt like I had to sometimes, but then when I went out for my run, I was like "well, let's just try it and see" and I always surprised myself.

    I ran a 5k a week ago, and it was fantastic. I haven't had a chance to run since (BLAH) cause I had an upper respiratory infection that I just now am getting over.. and today I'm going to start the Bridge to 10k app (oh yeah I used the apps on my phone to tell me when to run walk) and I'm training for a half in September. I'm TERRIFIED but I wouldn't have even been able to think of doing something like this without the c25k. I love that program and stand by it 100%.

    But I agree with other posters. Get yourself a good pair of shoes, take it slow and do it 3 days a week. But keep with it. You'll surprise yourself :)
  • lauraloo3258095
    where do i get details for couch to 5k

  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I'm nearly done the program (or rather, another one that's similar). It's great! I was never a runner but I just ran 25 min straight this morning! I have asthma (not as bad as you) but I was fine, just take it slow, stay hydrated, repeat as necessary (most people need to repeat at least one workout) etc. You can also google forums, there's one specific to this program so there are people that can help with problems or challenges or just give support directly related to running this program. Good luck!