If someone can tell me why no loss

I have been doing this for about a month......why can't I loose, look at my diary I think I do very good......stepped ontoday after I think a very good week and a very good week of exzercise and I could tell I was going to gain so did not let it settle.....and please don't say take my measurements as they have not changed nor are my clothese looser......so why??????


  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Maybe you are too stressed out about it. Don't think of this change so much as a "diet," but more a "new lifestyle." The longer you keep up with it, and enjoy it, the more you will relax and settle into a routine. The losses will come, but don't focus too much on it.
  • MaureenCreates
    MaureenCreates Posts: 97 Member
    Looks like you have to up your calorie intake. If you don't eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose the weight.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You are eating the bare minimum of recommended calories per day (1200). Have you considered raising your calories to see if your body responds to it? For a lot of people, they can not consume such a low amount of calories AND lose weight. Our bodies NEED enough food in order to be comfortable enough to lose weight. There is no way I could eat only 1200 calories a day. I consume 2200-2500 calories a day to maintain my weight loss. When I was losing weight, I kept having to up my calories in order to see a loss on the scale. Perhaps, you should consider raising them (raise them to 1400 for a couple weeks and see what happens and then go from there) and see what happens.

    I think too many people assume that 1200 calories is the perfect number for them - when in reality? 1200 is probably NOT the right number. Our bodies NEED food to function.
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    honey the first thing i notice is that you eat pork nearly everyday this week. It's not good for you really. Other than that i'd drink more water (being hypocritical there) and try to stay away from the more starchy foods like potatos...

    Let me know if you need more help or tips...
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I think your food diary looks good. I was having the same problem got stuck for 3 weeks straight, and I was doing EVERYTHING right. I doubled my water intake. I was drinking 14-16 cups per day. It's a lot, but after a few days I lost 4lbs in one day! I'd try that and just keep doing what your doing. Good Luck
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Also cut back on processed food' that is, anything that comes in a box and is not considered 'fresh'. Crap. I forgot to look at your sodium intake. But stay towards the outside aisle of the store where veggies, fruit, lean meats are.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Also, you are probably eating too little.

    Consider some of the other responses, reassess, and check back in a few weeks. Good luck!
  • TomAJeffs
    TomAJeffs Posts: 22 Member
    Eat more, exercise a hell of a lot more. The weight will soon come off. Don't attempt to starve yourself, for instance, I've eaten about 3,800 calories today, but have burnt about 3,000 through exercise.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    You seem to be eating a lot of carbs (bread, potatoes and granola bars). I'd drop most of those foods or have them less often. Also, I'm wondering if your calculations are off. On many days you list 0.5 TBSP of peanut butter. That is one TINY scoop of pb that wouldn't even cover a piece of toast. If your measurement on that is off, you could be eating many more calories than you think you are. Also, your pumpernickel bread measure is 1.15. I've never eaten 1.15 slices of bread myself. Do you mean 1.5 maybe?? Again, this might be messing with your actual calorie intake.

    Just my thoughts. Good luck!
  • raydeb
    raydeb Posts: 33 Member
    Its all about calorie intake deficit 3500 cal = 1lb burnt so 7000 2lb and so on look at your intake then up cardio. if you walk 1 mike in around 15 min you burn 100 cal decreas your cal by 300 walk 2 mile you should have lost 500 cal per day 2lb a week.

    I have done this and it works only if you do this every day.

    its realy important to take in the right amount of cals for the day make breafast the most important meal as you will not get hungry during the mornings.

    I hope this helps
    P.S whatch out for the hidden calories in processed foods
  • cottagegal1
    cottagegal1 Posts: 161 Member
    so you think up my calories to 1400 and then also eat the exercise calories????? Also the 1.15 for bread i put in is to get the exact calories that is listed on the bread e.g. to get the 120 for 2 slices as they don't have the bread I was eating........will try again I guess, I also did not quite get the response about the cardio increasing and then eating less???
  • PaulaAnn143
    hmmmmm thinking that it may be ur choices. It isnt only about how many calories in a day. It is also what kind of calories. For dinner often u have sweets, bars, popcilcles, popcorn and plain lettuce. And a huge piece of meat. Try balancing this out hit the food groups. I guess you may not be logging everthing either cuz who eats 3 cups of lettuce with no dressing. or .6 toast and .5 peanut butter. believe me that isnt much peanut butter. You may be padding ur food log. I would if I let everyone see it. Mine is hiding to myself alone, im accountable only to me. Im only cheating myself, Im not here to impress anyone, only to make a better me. Just becuase you make the numbers fit doesnt mean thats what u eat. Maybe this isnt what you are doing. But this is something I did and it took someone to be a bit harsh with me to realize what I was doing. I have lost 162lbs now 10 more to go, I know y that 10lbs is taking so long, I eat to much!
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    I guess you may not be logging everthing either cuz who eats 3 cups of lettuce with no dressing.

    Acutally i do... i hate dressing and only have it occasionally, it tastes fine without it!
  • PaulaAnn143
    Ok I take that back, I have eaten a salad without dressing but it was not just lettuce, they either had other veggies, cheeses, meats, fruit or nuts in it too.
  • 13Oliver13
    Hi, just my 2 cents, it takes about 2-3 months for my body to lose weight after I start a diet/exercise plan..... it usually goes into shock - retains water etc - and then after 2 months, the weight comes off - sooo frustrating - also another query to consider, are you on any meds? Anti-D or OCs can make it really tough too.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,041 Member
    Hi cottagegal1. It has ONLY been one month. In one month's time, if you have truly changed habits that made you gain weight, your body will make changes also. There are some people that begin losing pounds and inches immediately, the 1st week. That is awesome, I'm not one of them. It can take me up to 2 months for weightloss to be consistent.

    Patience IS the key when you want to lose weight. Everyone has to find thier own "right" mix of diet/calories and level of exercise exertion. I gain weight from not eating enough food. It is difficult for me to break out of that because of the way I like to exercise. 1200 calories is not enough for me, yet it is difficult for me to reach that because of interval training. What I need is more calories and a less intense level of exercise. It takes a little time for me to adjust. I just have to be patient to find my right mix. In the meantime, I don't obsess over it, I focus on (retraining) eating every 2 or 3 hours and concentrate on my hunger cues.

    I just started eating breakfast everyday 8 years ago, but I can quickly fall back to old ways. I would rather eat a big breakfast everyday of cereal (cold or hot) and milk, fruit and some other type of protein (eggs, cottage cheese, protein supplement) Some days I don't feel like it, that's why a morning snack is important.

    My body has made changes that I can't measure with a tape or weigh on the scale. I am a lot less tired, my body is firming up and it is beginning to give me the correct hunger cues again at the right time of day. You have to look at the entire BIG picture, do the right things for yourself and relax, the weight will come off.

    p.s. PaulaAnnStaffa, you are so funny about that lettuce! I couldn't eat 3 cups of lettuce as a salad without anything on it either. BUT, I have seen people do it. My #2 son is one of them. He doesn't like any condiments. He is one extreme and my husband eats practically a third of a bottle of dressing on his salads. Gross. I use it as it's named "dressing"