Morning Runs?



  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Right now it's either running in the morning when it's 80-70 outside of after 5p when it's 90-110 outside, I choose morning.
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    I don't drink water before, but I drink lots afterwards.
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    Wear your running clothes to bed and then just get up in the am throw your shoes on and go!!! =)
  • jessicamckay13
    I am NOT a morning person (ask anyone who sees me before 9am) but it's my only time to go. I lay everything out the night before...clothes, contacts, hair ties, shoes, ipod, dog leash, etc. so that when my alarm goes off I can stumble to the bathroom, get dressed, let dogs out, come back in to put the rest of my gear on, then grab the dogs and go. When I get home I stretch and drink water and have a protein bar before I shower. I can't drink much or eat anything before I head out or I feel like crap. I'll eat half a protein bar on the way to the gym before my 5:30 hardbodies class, but on run mornings..nothing.
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    HAHA! Jim Gaffigan has a whole skit on makeing the bed in the morning.... something to the effect of "Makeing the bed in the morning is about as stupid as tieing your shoes after you take them off..." LOL!! Too funny!
  • clairibou1
    clairibou1 Posts: 124
    I do, and I am NOT a morning person. But 2-3 days a week, I meet my friends at the local high school's track in the morning to do the C25K. Because I'm meeting other people, there's more pressure on me to make it happen at a certain time. I really enjoy doing it with them, and wouldn't want to miss it. We probably will move the time up later, in the fall when the temp cools off a bit, but for right now, morning is our best bet. Knowing that if I put it off even an hour, it will be too hot to run and I'll have missed my chance for the day (and missed the company) gets me going. That and the fact that I feel great after I do it... so even if I feel like 4-hours-of-sleep-what-is-up-with-my-teething-baby-ugh when the clock goes off, I mentally reach for the "It's so worth it!" feeling that overrides the desire to hit the snooze for another three hours. Before you go to sleep, maybe mentally rehearse waking up in the morning, see yourself doing it, go over some of your most motivating reasons why you want to do it (which don't have to be the most motivating for anyone else -- it's whatever gets you excited and feeling like moving is a good thing) so that in the morning they'll be easier for you to call on. Maybe write them out on a note you keep beside your bed, so that you'll see it before you pull the covers up over your head for an extra snooze. I find that first thing in the morning, it's ridiculously hard to remember why I thought something was important the night before! LOL

    I try to get up an hour or more before our start time, because I absolutely can't go without a light breakfast, but if I eat breakfast too close to the workout, I'll get sick. I also have water during that time, and as needed during the run/walks. A full stomach would slow me down, but water doesn't seem to bother me. Maybe instead of drinking a lot of water at once, sip a little over a longer period of time?You might want to try some ome coffee or black tea to help get you ready. Caffeine prior to a cardio workout has been shown to help people get going, last longer, and do better.

    On run days, that's it's my number one priority, and everything else is secondary. The bed will wait until after your run - run first, make the bed later! I've heard of some people sleeping in their workout clothes so they would be one step closer to following through when the clock went off in the morning.

    Also, if you can buddy up with someone, get a friend to run with you, or find a running group in your area, that might help a lot. The concrete "X time at Y location" can be an outside motivator, and it is so much more enjoyable to run with other people! There are probably lots of ways to find groups if none of your friends are interested in joining you -, running sites, people training for a local race, etc.
    wow! thank you SO much! this is why i love this website...I feel so blessed when people like you take the time to help me out! thanks a million! :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    The key is not to do anything in the AM that will distract you!

    I get out of bed (I sometimes hit snooze once, but get up before it goes off).
    I lay out my clothes/running shoes
    Use the bathroom
    Stretch, drink water
    Set up my iPhone/running app
    Hit the road

    You can do your "chores" after the run. They will still be there when you get back.

    When I was running in the morning, I was a lot like this. I had my clothes laid out the night before, so when I woke up in the morning, here was my routine:

    *wake up, use bathroom & get dressed
    *brush teeth & put in contact lenses
    *drink water, stretch (outside), and then run!