12 ways to think slim!

There was just an article posted on Yahoo. http://health.yahoo.net/articles/weight-loss/photos/12-ways-think-slim#2

You all can read it for yourself but number 1 really clicks with me. If you do something great, reward yourself with a reward that you can still have the next morning!! Which means not food.


  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I thought about buying myself something pretty once I reached my goal weight which would a reminder of what I accomplished!! Makes you feel amazing too!!:smile:
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    There was just an article posted on Yahoo. http://health.yahoo.net/articles/weight-loss/photos/12-ways-think-slim#2

    You all can read it for yourself but number 1 really clicks with me. If you do something great, reward yourself with a reward that you can still have the next morning!! Which means not food.

    I do that alot and then I end up with cloths I won't be able to wear... I'm going to read that article now! Thanks for the post!
  • chanceA
    chanceA Posts: 14 Member
    My advice, don't wait to reward yourself till you meet some far off goal, do it all along the way. I quit smoking - I deserve regular pedicures (more than covered by the savings of not indulging a pack a day habit.). I exercise three or more times in a week? Drawing supplies or writing implements. I resist my urge to buy and eat an entire Vegan Coconut Layer Cake? New shirt from the Loft (roughly the same price). Makes it easier.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I hadn't thought about that. Very fun.