Easy high fiber plan wanted

i am ready to get serious with this, but I need some meal plans that are quick and easy. I would really like a high fiber meal plan becausevmy understanding is that it will keep me full longer. I'm trying to look at some books but it gets frustrating, I can't see the recipes to see if they are easy to prepare. Any help or suggestions would be helpful.




  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I am learning as I go but would like to suggest rasberries!! I think they are highest in fiber out of all fruit. I make a quick smoothie with 1/2c each of blueberries & rasberries, (sometimes a banana & a cup of spinach) & either a half cup of almond milk, greek yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I eat high fiber cereal and bars from F Factor. The cereal has 18 grams of fiber per 1/2 cup serving and the bars have 12 grams. I have the cereal for breakfast and a bar for my mid-morning snack. That is 30 grams of fiber right there.

  • Olivia1977
    Olivia1977 Posts: 84 Member
    I am learning more everyday too. Obviously, fruits and vegetables are good choices. High fiber bread is good. I love Sara Lee's 45 calorie high fiber bread. I also eat Fiber One bars and brownies. The Special K meal bars are good too. I eat these for quick breakfast and lunches at times. Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal......great. Oatmeal is good. Some torillas are really high in fiber. I like the La Tortilla Smart and Tasty ones!!!
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    Fiber one cereal - 13 g of fiber per serving. Also make Lima beans. They are very high in fiber. Snack on fruit bc they have it too. But beans and legumes are th highest in fiber. Also there is not that huge difference in the fulness feeling as you might imagine. Don't eat more than 30 grams o fiber a day. You will feel bloated and also have terrible gases. They will be non stop and will smell terrible. 25-30 g a day is plenty enough. Also don't stress yourself about it.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's simple, the closer something is to it's natural state, the more fiber it will contain. Opt for fresh fruits and veg, then go for frozen Stay away from canned or boxed food and choose whole grains.Choose lean meats, limited animal fat, limited dairy. Invest in a cheap crock pot and make beans yourself. You will cut your sodium in half.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Check out nutritiondata.com you can look up the fiber content of foods and/or search food categories for highest fiber content. I think if I remember correctly, japanese persimmons and apples have the highest fiber content of fruits. And don't worry about getting too much fiber, just build up slowly. Also, try for more real food fiber, the high fiber brand cereals and bars are typically created with chicory which many people react poorly to in large quantity.

    My easiest fiber boosting recipes are meatloaf which is use bran instead of breadcrumbs and hamburger patties which I grind beans and mix in with the meat. The easiest way to increase fiber isn't to try new fancy dishes, it is to take the recipes you already use and decide which ingredients can be subbed with a higher fiber option. Also, I am a big fan of casseroles and there just aren't too many you can't add beans to. And when all else fails, I take psyllium, but that is mostly for my cholesterol. Personally I find fats more satiating than fiber and prefer an ounce of nuts or some nutbutter. The best of all worlds to my mind, fat, fiber, and protein.
  • Runningmemaw
    Runningmemaw Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions, I appreciate your support!