Beach body workouts

I love Beach body dvds and I have bought Chalene Extreme, Yoga Booty Ballet, Hip Hop Abs, Brazil Butt Lift, and most recently Turbo Fire. I have done great with Turbo Fire loosing 40 pounds. I still want to take off about 30 more. I'm thinking I want to get Insanity.

Are there any other Beach body workouts that are comparable to Insanity or should I get that one?


  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I love Insanity!! I have 1 week left to finish it up. :) I recommend it! I really want to do The Asylum now. I have Hip Hop Abs too... SO fun! :)
  • dominazian
    dominazian Posts: 2 Member
    We have a week left also. Insanity is definitely a butt kicker. It works, but combo it with weights and you'll cut up and tone twice as fast. Mix in cardio for workout confusion to drive your body pyscho-nuts. Your body will thank you and you will chisel up!
