faith in MFP

Ok I am going on one month and for the last 3 weeks I have been trying my best to stay the course. I have seen results every week. At what point did you long time (5months +) users of MFP just stop worrying and just have faith that the plan works?


  • Penguinita
    Penguinita Posts: 159 Member
    I'm not a long time MFP user (have been using the ticker since 2009 though) , but I've been at this since Feb of 2009. The system used here is the basic science behind effective and healthy weight loss, that is calories in - calories out. The deficit is what you're supposed to lose. However our bodies are not computers, they do not act according to what has been previously programmed. Things like change in hormones, medication, salt intake, muscle mass, and even MOOD can make your weight fluctuate. Just stick with it, my faith comes in that I know if I don't get off my *kitten* a month will pass, and that is wasted time that I could have lost SOMETHING, be it weight or inches.

    I hope this helps!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I have been with MFP for almost a year now. I remember when I had my first weigh-in after being on MFP for about a week. I had lost a little over 3 pounds and was stunned. I couldn't believe that something I had done to lose weight had actually worked. I checked it 2 or 3 more times and it was the same 3 pound loss. I remember wondering if I could possibly stick with it. And I did. And I kept losing weight. I am pretty sure it was after 3 or 4 weeks that I started believing that I could really have this for myself if I just stuck with it. It has not been is a long and tough journey and sometimes you do get bored with it. But a wonderful friend on this site pointed out to me once that he would rather be bored than where he was before he started. (Thanks, Lloyd. :smile: ) He is so right.

    MFP works if you work it and trust it. But the most important ingredient is you. If you are not ready, nothing will work. Best wishes to you. :bigsmile: