Do workout videos/DVDs really work?



  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I love working out at home with DVDs. I had fantastic results with P90X-lost 14 lbs and 3 pants sizes. I am doing Chalean Extreme now, and I use Turbo Jam as extra workouts.

    I always found reasons not to go to the gym-the kids were sleeping or uncooperative, I'd get there and the class I wanted to take was full or the machines were full, it was raining/snowing so the roads weren't good for driving,etc. With the DVDs, I have a personal trainer in front of me working out with me the whole time. If I need to take a rest, I press pause, catch my breath and keep going without missing the moves (like I would have in a class at the gym). I can workout at a time that works for me instead of going by the gym's schedule and my kids are with me, so they see me working out and getting healthy. One of the best reasons I love the DVDs is that I buy them once-so for $100, I got P90X forever and no gym membership every month-I cancelled my Golds and the YMCA and save a ton of money every month without losing out on my workouts.

    If you do them consistently & eat clean foods, they will work for you!