Cheat Days - yay or nay?



  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I am trying not too. I have spiraled too out of control with "cheat days" in the past. I would like to get to a good substantial loss before I indulge :)
  • i eat everything in moderation and keep below my calorie goal.I have been on here for a couple weeks now and I refuse to let myself go over my calorie level because i am serious about this and this isnt just a fad diet it is part of my lifestyle now.I am trying to work more and more fruits and veggies into my diet and slowly get rid of more and more junk :)
  • caroline150
    caroline150 Posts: 53 Member
    I have one cheat day a week where I go over my calories. It has been actually helping in my weight loss. It "spikes" your metabolism. Check out Spike 84.
  • I started back at the end of February and then on mfp in March I didnt have a cheat day or meal till a few months later....only because I didn't want to tempt myself into thinking it was okay. I started having a cheat meal about a month or so ago because I knew I was strong and capable enough to get back on track. My body will start craving the bad foods and throw me off my game. Overall it will be up to you but for just starting out I personally don't think its a good idea. Good luck to you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm this way as well. I had a cheat day last week and for 2 days, all I wanted to do what cheat some more! It took a lot of will power (something I didn't know I had - ha!) to stay on track. Now I know that I can't cheat or I'll always want to. But if you think you can have a cheat day and then get right back on track - I say go for it!

    I think since she has completed 3 days its too early to start reverting back to old ways. Unless of course its like fruits or veggies...nothing wrong with having some of those. I'm wondering what kind of cheat meals she is wanting to have...

    I hadn't planned on a specific meal. I just thought maybe I could be less of a calorie-counting nazi for a while. But you know what, a meal turns into a day, a day into a week, and a week into depression. No cheats for me. I just have to make sure I eat when I'm truly hungry, which I've been avoiding lately (bad, bad habits.)
  • I am trying not too. I have spiraled too out of control with "cheat days" in the past. I would like to get to a good substantial loss before I indulge :)

    Good plan! Me too.
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    I have cheat meals.... but I had a couple cheat days because my boyfriend kept buying beer.... so I try to stay away from the alcohol... when I cheat, I have an oatmeal creme cookie or once I had half a maple donut.... whatever my BF happens to have stashed at the moment
  • Jump1979man
    Jump1979man Posts: 23 Member
    The good thing about a cheat day is it gives you something to look forward to.......

    The bad thing about a cheat day is that it could potentially derail all your hard work.......
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Cheat day but I do separate cheat and rest days. If I am resting I am still watching what I eat. If I am on a cheat day foodwise I still get in a run for the day. That being said I usually let myself cheat. Like, If I go out and eat something I shouldhave That is my cheat day If I do not then I just wont cheat for that week. Why cheat if your OK with eating healthy lol
  • sschiano
    sschiano Posts: 48 Member
    yes, but always scheduled. i allow myself to indulge one meal one day ( but i plan them out so i have to cook myself and its when we are running low on junks and snacks). or i schedule it so its on someones birthday or so because i will have to go no matter what and i dont like dealing with the whole "no cake thanks, im on a diet" so i eat very little throughout the day (small snacks every couple hours) and save my big calorie intake for the cake.
  • Nope. No cheat days/meals here. I eat what I want, when I want it. I truly believe it helps me feel like this is more of a lifestyle change than a "diet". I also don't feel resentful when I see someone enjoying something I like too. I think it helps with binging (sp?) because I don't have to wait for a certain meal or a certain day to have whatever I want. I've learned to eat serving sizes of things - everything in moderation. :)

    i agree. im the type that if you tell me no... ill go crazy with wanting and eat everything in sight.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I've employed a "free day" once a week since I first started. There's a twofold benefit: 1. psychology - you never have to feel like some particular food is off limits for the rest of your life; 2. metabolism - after 6 days of calorie restriction, if you go over for a day, your get a little boost and your body is less inclined to hold on to the fat.

    To those who think a free day leads the end of your diet - get over it. You wake up the next morning and it's back to the routine. Simple as that.
  • I'm not trying to get ahead of myself (I've only completed 3 days on myfitnesspal) but I want to have a game plan for this weekend. I lost over 3 pounds this week and I feel like splurging a little bit.

    Do you have "cheat days?" or "cheat meals?" What do you typically indulge in?

    If you don't, why not?

    In my opinion I think it might be too soon to allow cheat days....and a whole day us complete destruction! Take some time and discipline yourself, then try a small treat/snack and then work your way to a MEAL. One cheat meal a week....soon you'll see that u won't even want that! No pain. No gain. Good luck!
  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    hi i'm on day six here and loving it. today is gonna be my first weigh in. when i was on "diets" before i always felt a cheat day was good for me. and thought tonight i'd be getting a takeawy and wine. turns out my hubby has to work and if i'm honest i'm not bothered about the if you knew me you'd know that is amazing. now not saying i'll never have one i will if i want . i just feel that i'd rather be healthier. i will have treats sometimes rather than cheats but i feel this time could be a lifestyle change rather than that fated to fail diet..hope this is of some help please feel free to add me as a friend for sdditional support x
  • I don't do cheating but I have planned treats where I allow myself to go over my calories for the day but only if I have saved some from previous days.
    This way I don't feel deprived but I'm not getting off track. Having full on cheat days turns into a downward spiral for me.
  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    If I have a cheat day I'll just binge on anything in sight..

    So if I feel like a treat I'll eat it in smaller portions
  • I've never understood 'cheat days'? In 3.5 years of losing weight, I've never felt the need to 'cheat' - just who would you be cheating?! lol My tastes and cravings have altered so much, that a real treat for me is a bowl of cheesy pasty, or, like tonight, I'm looking forward to a small Tesco pizza, with a mahoosive sald - Its 8 hours away, and I'm already salivating at the thought...and it's the SALAD part I enjoy the most!

    Cheat if you like, but all you'll do is slow your losses and undo much of your good work. Much better to experiment until you find foods you can truly enjoy AND stay on plan :)xx
  • teens62
    teens62 Posts: 39
    I have a free day, usually when I go shopping,, I will go out for a nice lunch, But usually try to make up for it on one of my other days, I try not to go overboard as too much good work canbe damaged, Taker easy,:::wink:
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't have "cheat" days as such, but I tend to go over some days when I shouldn't and weekends are always naughty for me. Like today, I'm planning to go to pizza hut, BUT I actually haven't been out for a meal for a while, let alone gone out with my friends for a few months so it will be a nice little treat if my friends don't already have plans.
  • Mattymuss
    Mattymuss Posts: 1
    Totally agree. I always relax my regime on a weekend and eat pretty much what I want and enjoy some beers. It definitely keeps you motivated and allows a long term diet to work. If you're calorie counting seven days a week, you're bound to have day when you go over the limit you've set. So allow a break in the diet rather than maybe beat yourself up about deviating from your chosen regime. So I think weekends off allow for a well earned break from dieting. Also, I'm convinced it allows the body some recovery as a low calorie diet puts a degree of stress on the body I think.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
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