Going on week 1....doing well but just want faster results

toshbosh21 Posts: 1
edited 5:32AM in Introduce Yourself
I am a prior service Navy wife...my husband has been in for 15 years, retires in 5. I have 2 children. I have pretty much lost the weight I gained from my second child, my son, 18 months ago. The weight I am dealing with now is from my first child, my daughter, almost 7 years ago. I am 200 pounds and a little under 5' 5"....according to medical standards I am 75 pounds overweight. My husband is perfectly happy with the way I am but needless to say I am not...by any means. I have nasty stretch marks all over my tummy and loose skin plus just excess weight/fat. I am looking into numerous options right now and just can't decide what's best. I've been dealing with this for so long that it's very frustrating to have to keep waiting to see results. I have been using MyFitnessPal for almost a week now...going to the gym and exercising every day and I have not seen the scale change. The other day it showed I'd lost 2 pounds but that's right back on again. My doc is checking all my thyroid levels. I really want a tummy tuck....the military insurance won't pay for that, but they will pay for lap band or gastric bypass surgery.I don't really want either one of those options but I am so tired of fighting my weight. yes I am currently in a very discouraged mood and very confused about what's best and what I should do.....but I am going to keep trying...keep plowing away at this...


  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Don't feel bad..I'm right there with ya. Been doing this all my life. You'd think I'd learn. I lose it and then re-gain. I found MFP and absolutely love it!! The support and motivation here are GREAT!!! I've been doing this for a few weeks..lost 2 the first week, then went on vacation and then got back to it...HARD!!! And then lost nothing the next week..but this week I lost 2.2!!!! So hang in there!! It will come off!!! I promise..as long as you do what you're supposed to...it will come off.


    PS. Feel free to add me if you like. :O)
  • bzmommie
    bzmommie Posts: 39 Member
    Are you coming up on your TOM? You are a little havier then. Also strangly enough when I ovulate I get a little bloted I do not know if that happens to eveyone. Remember also that your weight can change by almost 2 lbs during the day so you want to weigh yourself each day at the same time prefurably in the morning when you get up. As for loosing the weight slow and steady wins the race and is the healthier way
  • LinzLZ
    LinzLZ Posts: 9
    I felt the same way....I did it 2 wks before I felt like it was working. I went back and forth with 2 pounds and lost it and then back and forth with another 2 pounds and got it off and now I'm doing it again with another 2 pounds! I've never "counted" calories and always refused to try it...I tried more exercise or eating healthy etc...but I'm really getting used to this and feel like its the right thing :) Having guidelines or boundaries to follow has been the key for me...don't give up! Slower results are going to be more healthy and permanent...took me a long time to give into this...once you get results you will gain more determination and can keep going so tell yourself one day at a time :) Good luck!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    It's been a week. 7 measly little days. You didn't become overweight in that short amount of time, and you're not gonna get skinny that quickly either.

    Your sodium intake can effect the amount of water you're holding in your body, which will effect your weight pretty dramatically.
    Your TOM (time of the month) can effect your weight.
    Your potty schedule can effect your weight.

    There are many, many things that can seemingly stall weight loss. Just keep watching your calorie intake and keep exercising. Also, what you eat is just as important as how many calories you eat. If you're eating frozen "diet" meals, you may be staying within your calorie goal, but all that sodium isn't doing you any favors. (I can't see your diary, so I just made up an example.)

    Don't give up. The doctors may be able to "fix" your body, but only you can fix YOU.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    There are no good, quick fixes. You didn't get fat fast and you will not get thin fast. Keep logging what you eat in MFP and keep exercising. As long as you continue to do this faithfully and honestly you will make progress.

    It is very important than you DO NOT eat way less than the calorie goal that MFP gives you each day in order to try to lose weight faster. This will just slow or even stop your weight lose. You should also be eating to replace most of the calories you burn through exercise. This may sound counter-intuitive but that is just the way it is. If you set up MFP right when you started then the calorie goal that MFP gives you each day already has a calorie deficit built in to lose weight. By eating too far under this goal your body will think that there is a famine and horde fat. This is a survival tactic that has allowed humans to live when food was scarce but can sometimes make it difficult to lose weight.
  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    You are doing great! Just remember it took years and babies to get you where you are now...we all want faster results, but to do it right and healthy we need to put the time into it that our bodies and our minds need. If it were easy sites like this wouldn't exist :-) My hubs is also Navy...total of 14 years in now (prior time as well). This life has its own unique challenges...feel free to add me if you would like! You Can Do This!!

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