Need Breakfast Ideas

gesikale Posts: 12 Member
Love breakfast, but love all the bad stuff....pancakes, bacon, sausage, muffins, kolaches. I also love fruit. I just get hungry quickly. I need protein ideas. But not eggs. I HATE eggs. They make me gag....unless they are scrambled and covered in Kraft American cheese slices or part of a breakfast burrito. So basically I only like eggs if they are paired with non healthy options. Is there a good protein shake out there that is low in sugar?


  • mommyfirst77
    mommyfirst77 Posts: 119
    Oatmeal is good, I also sometimes scramble eggs with a lil bit of shredded cheese, and your favorite sandwich meat. I also have been eating yogurt with granola and fresh fruit mixed in~
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    yoghurt and fruit either in a bowl or smoothie. If it's in a bowl top with a bit of granola or raw nuts. The shakes are usually full of sugar and GMOs. Oatmeal is good too with a grated apple or a handful of cranberries or rasins.
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I like the Labrada Lean Body for Her. It only has 2 grams of sugar. I have the vanilla ice cream flavor, if you throw it in the blender with a few ice cubes and some cold water it gets very creamy and is pretty tasty. I bought it on amazon. Good luck.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I love plain Greek yogurt with mixed berries and high fiber cereal mixed in. I add one packet of Stevia.
  • tsportygirl
    If you like sausage and bacon then do turkey sausage and turkey bacon - same flavor with less calories... I also like the Thomas whole wheat english muffins with a little peanut butter - good for carbs and protein. and to echo everyone else, yogurt with fruit is good too.
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    I look to for a lot of healthy recipes and particularly like her genius breakfasts and smoothies!
    I really like the Classic Green Monster smoothie for when I don't have time for a proper breakfast. It looks a bit strange, but I use spinach, chia seeds, nut butter, unsweetened almond milk and banana. I also add kiwi fruit every now and again for a bit of tang.

    There isn't a calorie count on her site, but I wouldn't expect there to be much sugar in it, especially if you use a non-sweetened almond milk! I usually make it the night before.

    The recipe is here:

    I also really love the Blueberry Banana Pie Vegan Overnight Oat Casserole as it's made the night before and easy to eat the next morning.
    Recipe here:

  • erinoldham19
    greek yogurt with one scoop chocolate whey protien 1 tsp pb mixed together.

    greek yogurt with 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 packet truvia mixed together. ( some people use less cinnamon)

    greek yogurt with 1tsp sugar free preserve 1/2-1 cup frozen fruit mixed together

    i slice 1-2 apples and dip in the mixture. and every mixture i add chia seed which brings out the flavor so much more..

    i know you dont like eggs but maybe you could try the mock french toast recipe. its bascially egg whites vanilla extract cinnamon like you make french toast just no bread. cook in scrammbled egg form or omlete form once almost done cooking sprinkle some truvia on top which will harden and be crunchy when eating..
  • welcominganewself
    I like egg white omelets with lots of veggies, some reduced fat shredded cheese and a slice of preccoked bacon or oatmeal with frozen fruit.
  • zellybobelly
    1) ill have oatmeal..the best i find is "Better oats RAW" multigrain steel cut oatmeal and is delicious and cost a buck and a half, great for meals to go, or on the job quick meal.

    2) try fresh fruit, a side of cottage cheese, and a 1/3 of a bagel with peanut butter. Fiber one just put out waffle/pancake mix that helps with the fiber intake, also muffins in the freezer section like chocolate chip and bannana nut. So good

    3) Berries, yogurt, milk and icecubes blended

    4) Multigrain and nut toast/english muffin with jelly, side of scrambled egg whites mixed with peppers, mushrooms, and a lot of spinach. Since you hate eggs, blend out the egg white taste with 2 tbsp of milk and FRESH mozz cheese. It helps fluff up the egg and you'll taste more of the fresh cheese that will conceal your eating egg whites.

    5) Turkeybacon or turkey sausage chopped up in a low calorie wrap with sauteed onions, peppers, fresh cut mushrooms, spinach, and a bit of feta cheese.

    Just a few i eat a lot. breakfast is the best meal for you to get most of the fiber/fruits/veggies in! Easy and flexible ways! Fiber is the best way if you want to stay full longer. Try eating anything with multigrain and anything with 3 grams of more of fiber. Protein is great, but fiber is the best way.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It has already been said, but just to reiterate - try Greek yogurt. It is very high in protein (18 grams for 3/4 cup at 110 calories). I need something quick in the morning and am not a huge fan of eggs and found oatmeal not high enough in protein for me. I recently switched to Greek yogurt mixed with some fresh fruit after my morning workout and it keeps me full until lunch time. I sometimes add ground flaxseed to it too if I'm looking for more fiber.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Subway breakfast sandwiches have eggs, but if you need a breakfast on the go you can get the 6" ham/egg sandwich with tons of veggies and it's 410 calories with cheese. I know that's a little high in calories compared to what I've seen a lot of people post for breakfast, but I tend to go heavier on breakfast calories because a) I LOVE BREAKFAST and b) it keeps me fuller throughout the day. This is super filling and you won't need a mid-morning snack with it.

    As an aside, if you're traveling at all this summer, this is one of the easiest ways to get a healthy breakfast out on the road without having to eat crappy hotel pastries. There are more Subways than McDonalds now - they are everywhere!