Birthday Dinner

cmreich Posts: 5
edited September 30 in Food and Nutrition

I've been having lots of success lately and I don't want to sabotage myself. Since I started trying to loose weight about 3 months ago I've pretty much avoided restaurants all together. On my birthday every year I usually opt for an Italian restaurant where I eat a huge portion of pasta, drink lots of wine, and get some sort of chocolate sin for dessert (not a huge fan of cake). My birthday is a week from today and I'd like to go out to dinner this year too but I am afraid of controlling myself with portions and food choices and still having a good time. Any advice on restaurant choices, meal selections, or portion control strategies would be very much appreciated!



  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Enjoy yourself. You're changing your lifestyle, not just going on a diet. Birthdays are a part of life, you don't have to spend it worrying about calories if you don't want to.

    One night of fun will hardly sabotage your success!
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    Agreed. One night will not make or break you. Just enjoy it and maybe make a few adjustments like opting out of the heavy cream based sauces. After 3 months, you may find that you won't be able to eat as much as you could last year anyway. But, most important, have fun! If you limit yourself to much you will only make the process harder.
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    GO to your favorite place, order whatever you want + a to-go box. SO when your plate is served, IMMEDIATELY put 1/2 of it in your to-go container to bring home. Enjoy, but don't over indulge!

    Happy early birthday!
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    You deserve a little fun for your birthday! Keep in mind the portion size. Italian restaurants serve in huge portions so you could split a couple of entrees with another friend. I personally can never say no to Chocolate goodness, however now I do remember to always split my desert with my sister, mom or any willing friend. Enjoy and advanced happy birthday!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I agree with the others. Enjoy your day! You will probably find that you will be able to control yourself because of the steps you have made to change your life to become a healthier version of you. Try to do some extra cardio earlier in the day to help make up for the birthday treats to come later on in the day.
    My birthday is this coming Tuesday and I intend to treat myself. I am going to start my day spinning, yoga and a Jillian Michaels workout. Then of course a shower and then off to the spa for 4 hours compliments of my husband.

    Happy Birthday!
  • llbird
    llbird Posts: 51
    I love Italian restaurants as well. Last time I went I found a turkey broth soup with egg and very small dumplings on the menu. It was very flavorful and satisfying. Next was a salad and a half order of pasta and we shared a dessert around. No guilt or food disaster! The best part is you are already thinking about it and planning ahead of time. Enjoy!
  • only1weasel
    only1weasel Posts: 1 Member
    Most Italian restaurants do really good salads? If you are feeling really good, get the dressing separately and only use some of it?
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    You sound exactly like me!!! I LOVE Italian and chocolate! My mom always cooks my birthday dinner, whatever I want :) I usually ask for some huge italian meal like Baked Ziti, sometimes it's lots of pizza. This year, I asked her to make quesadillas. We used all low fat/low carb, healthier options. It was delicious, and I didn;t feel guity eating that birthday cake afterwards! It's all about balance! HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way ;)
  • Debi907
    Debi907 Posts: 69 Member
    I absolutely agree that the calorie threat should not prevent you from having a good time! Life is to be enjoyed. Since I end up going out to eat often, I try to look up the restaurant's menu online ahead of time. Some places will post calorie/fat content or have a "healthy heart" option. Happy Birthday!
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