Pregnant calories and exercise???



  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    If 1540 is maintenance for you, you need to increase by 200 calories a day because that's how much more you need during the first trimester. After that, it goes up to 300, I think. Congratulations!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    You can actually go your food log and put in "pregnancy" and there is a listing for extra calories during gives you an extra 300, so as long as your doctor is cool with that, you can even have it in your log :) It is the same for breastfeeding....I put in "breastfeeding" on my breakfast log and it gave me -500...meaning 500 extra calories for the day :P
    That's cool! Good to know for the future...

    Edited to say: I just went to check it out, and there are different options for different stages of breastfeeding (i.e. exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding older baby, tandem nursing, etc). i am actually still breastfeeding--mostly just morning and before bed, and so I chose the "minimal feedings/older baby" option, and it added an extra 200 calories to my limit. Hm...i wonder how that will affect my weight loss. Possibly I've been eating too few calories. I guess I will try and see, but if i start gaining, I'll cut it out. Still good to know for the future!
    If the amount you're consuming now is not affecting your supply, I would stay where you are because you might stop losing if you increase calories.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    About calorie intake:
    - 1st trimester: no need to add extra
    - 2nd trimester: 200
    - 3nd trimester: 300
    - breastfeeding (exclusive): 500
  • DanaSpears06
    DanaSpears06 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been confused on what I should do calorie wise since I am pregnant, with my two pregnancies before I ate whatever I wanted and gained 60 with my first, and 40 with my second. Thank you all for the nutrition help!