I need some help please

azeria Posts: 535 Member
I was on mfp for a while and then got off it. I'm having a hard time coming back. I was losing pretty good before. About 2 pounds a week. Then everything stopped. I even started to gain. Now, I don't want to see a scale anymore, because I know that it won't be too nice to me, and all the hard work I did before is slowly leaving.

First of all, I've had a very difficult incident occur in my life. I realize that I am using food to deal with my feelings of hurt, pain, anger, guilt, frustration, boredom... you name it, I've got it. I don't want to enter my calories, because I feel guilty about all the food that I am eating. I am mostly eating out at fast food places. I need someone to help me change my lifestyle, I can't do it alone. I don't know how to change my eating habits that I've had all my life. I need a guide, I need something... I don't know what. I need to go back to losing weight.

Should I go on one of these programs like herbal magic? What do you think? Does anyone have some advice for me?

I'm really lost right now, and I know that if I don't lose the weight that I need to, I can't have any procedure to get pregnant. I was 2 pounds away from the goal that I needed before, but I gave up because it just wasn't going down... Now, I have no clue what I weigh.. I don't actually own a scale, and I'm afraid to find out.


  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    You know that your friends here on MFP will be there to help you and encourage you. That being said, no one can really "guide" you on your journey. You have to be willing and able to make the necessary changes that are needed first.

    Until YOU can decide to stop eating at the fast food restaurants and are ready to look at a scale, your success, if any, will be minimal. When you're 100% dedicated to changed your lifestyle is when you will have the success that you're looking for.

    Start logging your food, take a look at how much you're actually eating. That may be all it takes for you to have your mind say "okay, I'm ready to do this". You don't have to make your diary public, but at least have it so that YOU can see it. Start with baby steps and that will lead you up to long strides, leaps & bounds along your journey.

    Good luck to you!
  • adamcf
    adamcf Posts: 126
    You don't need a program to reach your goal. Although if there is a program that you like, it won't hurt. Really, all any of us need is direction. It seems that's what your saying.

    Just start. enter your calories for today. no matter what it is, just enter it. try to do good today. Just starting in the right direction is all any of us need. Tomorrow, when you wake up, start again.

    You no longer have to go in the wrong direction.
  • mommyfirst77
    mommyfirst77 Posts: 119
    WOW~ First off the first step is writing it all down. It helps so much to look to see where your cals are going. No matter how painful it will help. Try to replace some of your stress eating with fresh veggies or fruit. If any of your friends are giving you a hard time about it, DELETE them! You need positive reinforcement, not slamming! We are all here for the same reason. It is not done overnight, just one day at a time! PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP~ Feel free to add me if you like!
  • whitejessamine
    I know exactly how you feel. Unfortunately, no one can take control of your life and your eating habits but you. Sometimes it feels like you have no control, but only when you choose to give up that control. Start small. Make better choices a little at a time...every little bit helps, and something is way better than nothing. Don't worry about the scale too much. Start making better choices, drink lots of water, and take measurements once a week instead of the scale. Good luck!
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    sounds like you are hiding from the truth. The best thing you could do for yourself is log EVERYTHING and not run away from your food issues.

    and 2 pounds per week is a lot. it's much healthier to lose slowly! 1/2 pound or 1 pound is a good goal. If your calories are set too low (ie at 2 lbs per week) then your body will revolt and you will have binges.

    Best to keep calories at a realistic amount so you can feed your body and you won't drive yourself crazy with hunger!

    Just start again and do your best.
  • rockthehourglass
    rockthehourglass Posts: 62 Member
    I know where you're coming from. It's really really hard to get control back sometimes. But the best way is to just START. Just take it one day at a time, don't worry about tomorrow. I agree with just logging in what you're eating now for a couple days, be honest with yourself. Then just cut back and make better choices, a little at a time. You can do this.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Maybe you just need to change up your routine :) You can friend me for extra help :) I didnt lose anythin last week ... due to no gym time but im back n track and would love to have another friend :)
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Try tracking for a month and then weigh yourself at the end of the month. I always find that extra exercise makes me feel better and lifts my mood so try that as well if you can.

    Although programmes sometimes give you the focus to drop some weight fast - I personally find I lose momentum in a few weeks. That said - it might give you some extra motivation and help you through the next few weeks.

    It's almost never as bad as you think it is if you have "fallen off the wagon" so well done for coming back and seeing some progress very soon!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    Just like what they said, just take the first step. Log the food you are eating.

    I have PCOS and had infertility problems. Weight wasn't much of an issue back then but I wanted to be a mother so bad that I would do anything the doctor would ask me to do. Let the procedure you are needing to have to be able to conceive an inspiration. Let yourself be an inspiration.

    You don't need luck to do this. You need to decide to do this for yourself.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I would like to start by thanking everyone for thair feedback. I think just writing it all done and asking for help was my way of motivating myself again...one day at a time. I too have PCOS which makes it a little harder to lose weight and even harder to get pregnant which is my ultimate goal. I will start logging my food again tomorrow. Maybe I'll even go and get a scale. Its time for me to go at this fujll blown and not be embarrassed about it... I think I can do it...