Maybe you should eat that cookie



  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    be careful posting things like this
    it could be a "trigger" for someone who is/has recovered from ana or mia
    i myself when i was a teenager used to suffer from an ED
    and things like this would make me not eat or purge like crazy
    just a precaution for all MPF users.

    It could also be an eye opener for someone heading down that path.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Wow ... as I looked at these pictures it occurred to me that in the 50s the Marilyn Monroe voluptuous look was popular ... maybe because people had just seen the images of the victims of Dachau and Buchenwald coming out of the camps ...

    Why is this considered attractive? I just don't get it. They look like prepubescent boys. I guess that is what some people are into ...

    Tresa I was thinking something like this, but didnt know how to word it. Thankd for putting it so eloquantly
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member

    @HawleyGriffin you evil tempter (or whatever the male version of a temptress is) Imma gonna make cookies...wanna come be my taste tester?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    I will NEVER have to worry about not eating enough and looking sickly. lol.